Exhibition: Terms and Conditions
In these terms and conditions
Exhibitor - means the company body or organisation that has been allocated space in the exhibition and any employee or agent of such a company, body or person.
Organiser - means The Association of Dental Implantology UK and its employees.
Premises - means the exhibition venue.
Application for stand space
The Application for exhibition stand space must be made by completing the official Stand Application Form. The Exhibition Contract must include a binding signature of the applicant and payment of appropriate deposit paid within 30 days of making the application. The Organisers reserve the right to refuse any application without stating any reason.
The submission of the stand application and the subsequent confirmation from the Organisers constitutes the legally binding Exhibition Contract between the Exhibitor and the Organiser in acceptance and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
Payment for stand space
A deposit of 50% must be paid together with the signed contract within 30 days of making the application. If after 30 days the contract and payment have not been received the stand will be released. The remainder 50% balance must be paid before Friday 1 March 2013.
Cancellation or reduction of stand space
If, after the allocation of stand space to an Exhibitor, such Exhibitor shall desire to cancel or reduce the space allocated, the Organiser will endeavour to re-let the space, but if they are unable to do so, the Exhibitor shall remain liable to pay the full charge for the space allocated
Occupancy of stand space build-up
The Exhibitor, agents, employees and contractors may enter the Exhibition area for the purpose of erecting and preparing exhibits during the build-up day as follows:
Wednesday 1 May
All stand construction and dressing must be completed by 2200 on Wednesday 1 May, ready for the Exhibition opening of 0800 on Thursday 2 May.
In the event of an Exhibitor failing to take possession of their allocated stand space by 2200 on Wednesday 1 May the payment for stand space shall be forfeited. In the event of non-payment of full stand fee, the Organisers shall have the right to refuse to permit the Exhibitor to occupy or use the stand space until all sums due to the Organisers have been paid
Exhibition opening times
Stands must be open for viewing and staffed during these hours.
The Organiser’s tenancy of the Exhibition Hall terminates at 2200 on Friday 3 May and the exhibitor shall remove by this time all exhibits, displays, stand fittings, materials and any other items brought to the Exhibition Hall by the Exhibitor. The removal of any materials or exhibits and the dismantling of any stands cannot commence before the official exhibition break-down, i.e. not before 1630 on Friday 3 May due to Manchester Central Convention Complex Ltd rules and regulations.
Any costs incurred by the Organisers relating to the wear and tear to the fabric of the building, or removal of statutory fire equipment that is directly attributable to an Exhibitor or his agents shall be paid by the Exhibitor to the Organisers on demand.
Packing cases
Packing cases and boxes must not be left visible on stands, nor can they or any other article be placed or stored in gangways at any time during the build-up period, or during exhibition open hours or overnight. Any costs incurred by the Organisers in removing or storing items and cleaning gangways shall be paid by the Exhibitor to the Organisers on demand.
Stand Construction
Incombustible material only shall be used in the construction of display units and all materials must be flame proofed in accordance with local authority regulations. For shell stands, no structure or display provided by an Exhibitor may exceed 2.4 metres to accord with the height of the shell stand.
For space-only stands, no structure or display provided by an Exhibitor may exceed 4 metres to accord with the height of the space-only stand. No fascia, partition, structure, board or sign may be erected which the Organisers consider will dominate, screen or obscure the view of other stands or which will exceed the allocated boundaries of a stand.
Detailed plans of the exhibition space-only stands including 3-D technical plan drawing, method statement and risk assessment must be submitted to the Organisers for approval no later than Friday 1 March 2013. Exhibitors shall not interfere with the viewing arrangements by canvassing or waylaying buyers in the gangways, lobbies, or any other public parts of the Exhibition and taking them direct to their own stand, nor hand out literature or samples other than strictly within the confines of their own stand. Any Exhibitor deliberately ignoring this rule will be warned by the Organisers and should complaints be received, the Exhibitor will be liable to the stand being closed without any redress from the Organisers.
Postponement or abandonment
In the event of the Exhibition being postponed or abandoned from war, fire, or from any other cause whatsoever, the Organisers shall not be under any liability whatsoever in respect of expenditure, or liability of loss incurred by the Exhibitors and shall be entitled to retain all sums paid by the Exhibitors under these regulations. The Organisers shall not be liable for any loss, which Exhibitors may sustain by reason of the local, or other competent Authority intervening and preventing or restricting the use of any portion of the Exhibition or any premises thereon or any part thereof in any manner.
Security and insurance
Each Exhibitor is responsible for the security of their own stand, samples, exhibits, and for their own insurance cover. In no circumstances will the Landlord or the Premises or the Organisers accept responsibility or be liable for any loss whatsoever. It follows that Exhibitors are required to effect appropriate insurance for build-up/breakdown days in addition to the Exhibition open days.
Lighting and water services
In no circumstances may the Exhibitors interfere in any way with electric lighting or water services in the building. Any alterations or additions or adjustments required must be referred to the organisers for their approval and handled by the organisers appointed electrical and water engineers.
Health and Safety
All exhibitors must comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and any regulations made there under.
The Exhibitor shall keep the Organisers indemnified in respect of (a) any loss of damage to any property of the Organiser, (b) all claims and demands of third parties (including servant and agents, other exhibitors and their servants or agents, and members of the public) in respect of personal injuries or loss of damage to property arising out of or in consequence of his occupation of a stand or exhibition of any article, process or thing. The Exhibitor shall make good any damage done by him, his servants or agents to the Premises or any furniture or fixtures therein and damage caused by fire upon his site.
Regulations of the premises
Exhibitors must at all times and in all circumstances comply with the Manchester Central Convention Complex Ltd rules and regulations in force at the time of the Exhibition (details will be available online in the Exhibition Manual Autumn 2012).
Exhibitors must be aware that the Manchester Central Convention Complex Ltd, its contractor(s), or franchisees(s) have sole rights for the sale or distribution of any article of food, drink or tobacco.
Discretionary power of Organiser
The Organisers undertake to give their fullest sympathetic consideration to the interest of the Exhibitors. The Organiser reserves the right to alter, add or amend any of the conditions in the interest of the Exhibition. Should any questions arise, whether provided for in these conditions or not, the decision of the Organiser shall be final.