Dr Gomes is a Dental Medical Doctor by the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the University of Oporto (FMDUP) (1996-2002), post-graduation in Implantology in Sweden (Bränemark Institute in Gothenburg and Maxilla-Facial Surgery Ward at Västerås Hospital), has a specialization course in Implantology by FMDUP (2003-2006), a Master's Degree in Implantology by FMDUP (MsC), a PhD degree in the field or Oral Surgery /Implantology at FMDUP (2013-2018) and is a oral surgeon (specialist in oral surgery) by the Portuguese Dental Medical Association (OMD).
Dr Gomes is the opinion leader of Riiter academy, Bredent Medical Group, MINEC (Megagen International Network of Education and Clinical Research) active member, KOL of Osteobiol Biomaterials, KOL of T-scan (digital assessment of occlusion) , KOL of Osstell, IFZI (Prof.Lang) academy auxiliar instructor, Active member of BBB (Bone, Biomaterials and Beyond) Academy, ambassador of the Clean Implant Foundaton, MINEC ambassador and expert on Dental XP, Oralsurgerytube, MINEC and Dentinaltubules educational platforms
Dr Gomes is an invited External Teacher at Master and Specialization Course of Oral Rehabilitation (CESPU University, Portugal). Invited lecturer at Upenn (University of Pennsylvania, USA), private practices in Portugal dedicated exclusively to Implantology, advanced oral surgery and rehabilitation, a mentor of professional group Follow the RED (dedicated to oral surgery), International leader of the “Divas in Dentistry Project” and “Leading Ladies in Dentistry” Association. Chairwomen of WOW (Women of Wisdom), reviewer of Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research journal, BMC Oral Health and IJERPH. Editorial board of International Growth Factor and Stem Cells in Dentistry journal and author and co-author of several articles and chapters of books in the Dentistry Field.
Dr Gomes is also a speaker in more than 35 countries and listed in the Top 100 dentists in the World 2020 by the Global Interdisciplinary Institute