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Terms & Conditions

Using our Website

Our website is maintained for your personal use and viewing. Access and use by you of this site constitutes acceptance by you of these Terms and Conditions that take effect from the date of first use.

Intellectual Property

The names, images, patient information and logos identifying the Association of Dental Implantology, are proprietary marks of the Association of Dental Implantology. Copying our logos and/or any other third party logos accessed via this website is not permitted without prior approval from the relevant copyright owner.


You do not have to ask permission to link directly to pages hosted on this site. We do not object to you linking directly to information on our site. However we would prefer if you would contact us for our agreement so that we can check any accompanying text around the link.

Links from Our Site

It is our policy to obtain permission to link to other websites. We are not responsible for the content or reliability of the linked websites. Listing should not be taken as endorsement of any kind. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all of the time and we have no control over the availability of linked pages.

Virus Protection

We make every effort to check and test material at all stages of production. It is always wise for you to run an anti-virus program on all material downloaded from the Internet. We cannot accept any responsibility for any loss, disruption or damage to your data or your computer system which may occur whilst using material derived from this website.

Contact Forms

Our website contains several contact forms, they are intended for personal communication only and should not be used for any form of messaging with commercial intent.


Third-Party Advertisements on the ADI website can only be accepted if they adhere to the ADI Third Party Advertising Terms & Conditions.. Any postings that do not comply will not be accepted and can and will be removed at the discretion of the ADI.

Membership Subscription Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions may be amended from time to time, and the current version will be available from the ADI website.

1. Introduction

1.1 The Association of Dental Implantology Limited (ADI) is a company registered in England and Wales with registration number 2260991 and registered office at c/o Canopi, 7 - 14 Great Dover Street, London, SE1 4YR, and a charity registered in England and Wales and having charity number 800238.

1.2 ADI is a membership organisation whose objects are to advance education in the field of dental implantology for the benefit of the public. Membership benefits for different membership categories are varied from time to time, and are listed on the ADI website.

1.3 ADI’s governing document, its Articles of Association, is available on the ADI website.

1.4 References to “us” means The Association of Dental Implantology Limited and references to “we” and “our” shall be construed accordingly. References to “you” mean the person or entity completing a membership application or being a current member of ADI.

1.5 All applications to become a member of ADI, and continuing membership of ADI, are subject to these Terms and Conditions (which shall apply to the exclusion of any terms sought to be imposed by you).

1.6 The ADI membership database is stored on Rackspace Managed Cloud Servers. The RackSpace SLA details are available at the following location This includes details on levels of security (including DDOS, resilience, virus attacks, and disaster recovery etc).

2. Membership application process

2.1 ADI membership is available to dental professionals, dental laboratories and companies involved in the manufacture and supply of dental equipment and materials. Available membership categories are listed on the ADI website, along with any relevant conditions or criteria, as well as the corresponding subscription fees. Please ensure that you select the correct membership category, according to your profession or student status.

2.2 The membership subscription year is from 1 January to 31 December. The fee payable on joining ADI will be the current annual fee pro rata’d to the end of the year, and this is non-refundable.

2.3 The membership application process is online via the ADI website, and during the process you will be asked to provide information to be stored on your member record on the ADI membership database, including GDC number (where applicable), contact details and contact preference information. You will be asked to make your membership subscription payment for the current year by debit/credit card or by setting up a direct debit.

2.4 On receipt of your membership application and membership subscription payment, ADI will review the information you have provided and will inform you if your application has been successful.

2.5 The password protected ‘My Account’ area of the ADI website will enable you to update your contact information at any time. ‘My Account’ will also allow you to access details of your financial transactions with ADI, as well as details of ADI events you have attended and the corresponding CPD certificates.

3. Membership renewal

3.1 Membership subscriptions run from 1 January to 31 December.

3.2 Members who pay by direct debit will be contacted towards the end of the year to inform them of the membership subscription rate for the following year and regarding the collection date for their renewal payment. Members will be given the opportunity to inform the ADI that they do not wish to renew and that their direct debit is to be cancelled.

3.3 Members who pay by debit card or credit card will be contacted towards the end of the year to inform them of the membership subscription rate for the following year and to provide instructions on how to make their renewal payment via the ADI website.

3.4 Members who pay by debit card or credit card will be given the opportunity during the online renewal process to change their method of payment to direct debit.

3.5 Membership subscription payments are non-refundable.

3.6 Members whose payment has not been received by the specified deadline will be resigned from ADI membership and will not have access to ADI membership benefits. Such resigned members should discontinue usage of their ADI member logo and should ensure that necessary updates are made to the content of their website.

3.7 Members who have resigned can apply to rejoin ADI via the ADI website.