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Congress Programme

Select your day:

Thursday 1 May

Friday 2 May

Saturday 3 May

Select your delegate type:

  • Dentists
  • Technicians
  • Dental Nurses & Practice Managers
  • Dental Hygienists & Therapists
  • Next Gen

Plenary Programme

12:00 Registration - Lunch & Exhibition
13:00 Opening Ceremony
Zaki Kanaan
13:15 The Mountain Mindset
Ed Jackson

Ed JacksonEd Jackson is a former professional rugby player who played at the highest level for over a decade. Following a life-changing accident that left him paralysed from the neck down, Ed has gone on to inspire countless others by quite literally climbing mountains, showing that no obstacle is insurmountable with determination and resilience.

In April 2017, Ed’s life changed forever when a dive into the shallow end of a swimming pool resulted in a severe spinal cord injury, leaving him paralysed from the neck down. Doctors told him he would never walk again. Through remarkable grit, relentless rehabilitation, and an indomitable spirit, Ed defied the odds, reaching the summit of a mountain within a year of his accident. 

Ed’s resilience and optimism in the face of adversity were further celebrated in August 2021 with the release of his debut book ‘ Lucky’, which became an instant Sunday Times Bestseller. Through ‘Lucky’, Ed shares his powerful story of triumph over adversity, a testament to hope and perseverance. The book’s impact led to a major adaptation by Universal Pictures, with The Mountain Within Me’ hitting cinemas in August 2024. The movie, which has reached audiences across the globe, has been described as “an inspiring, thought-provoking documentary about unexpected change, hope, and finding renewedpurpose in life”. 

In recent years, Ed has also become a well-known broadcaster. As a lead host for Channel 4's coverage of the Paralympics in Paris, he brought viewers insightful commentary and an authentic perspective on the power of sport and resilience. His involvement in the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, eventually held in 2021, further showcased his dynamic presence on screen and his commitment to raising awareness about overcoming challenges.

In November 2019, Ed achieved yet another milestone by climbing Mera Peak. When not climbing mountains, he’s regularly seen presenting and commentating on Channel 4, bringing a unique and inspiring voice to  broadcasting. Ed has been an integral member of Channel 4's Paralympics hosting team, contributing to the Tokyo 2020 Games and, more recently, the 2024 Games in Paris.

Ed’s journey from his accident to where he is today is a powerful reminder of what’s possible with courage, hope, and resilience. His story continues to inspire, encouraging audiences to push through their own obstacles and embrace a positive, fearless mindset.

14:30 Tea/Coffee and Exhibition
14:55 Introduction - Moderator - Dr Rob Oretti
15:00 Interdisciplinary Management of Aesthetic Zone: from Single Teeth to Complex Aesthetic & Restorative Dilemmas

The Ortho-Perio-Restorative interface plays a critical role in the optimum management of the broken-down dentition, missing and failing teeth and severe alveolar defects or advanced periodontal disease involving teeth in the aesthetic zone. This presentation will outline the interdisciplinary team approach to the management of these dilemmas in our practice. The aesthetic rehabilitation of the periodontally and structurally compromised dentition in the aesthetic zone remains a challenge despite the numerous advances in the treatment of periodontitis, regenerative and dental implant therapies. The management of some cases requires some ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn the key principles for the diagnosis, treatment planning and management of the compromised dentition
  • Learn the key elements in the surgical & prosthetic management of implant restoration of missing and failing teeth in the aesthetic zone
  • Gain an understanding of the biology of the peri-implant tissues
  • Review the principles of bone and soft tissue management around implants, as well as how to manage bone and soft tissue defects in post-extraction sites and peri-implant defects
  • Review a systematic approach to case management in complex cases
  • See the benefit of interdisciplinary case management and the management of the Ortho-Perio-Restorative interface
  • Learn how orthodontic treatment can faciliate treatment outcomes
  • See strategies for aesthetic rehabilitation of aesthetic & restorative dilemmas will be presented and discussed including the management of failed implant and/or grafting cases in the aesthetic zone along with implants cases with compromised aesthetic outcomes
  • See the interdisciplinary rehabilitation of patients with severe alveolar defects in the aesthetic zone and the management of patients with advanced periodontal disease involving teeth in the aesthetic zone with significant bone and tissue loss


Tidu Mankoo

Tidu  Mankoo Dr Tidu Mankoo qualified with a BDS from the University of Bristol in 1981 and has a renowned Private & Referral Practice in Windsor, UK, treating Implant, Restorative and Aesthetic cases, particularly complex cases. He has built a reputation for exceptional dentistry and carries out both the surgical and prosthetic aspects of his cases. He is an active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, the Association of Dental Implantology (UK), the European Association of Osseointegration (EAO), Fellow of the International College of Dentists (FICD), and a fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. He is a Visiting Professor at the University of Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.

He was the President of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry 2009-2010 and a founder and Past President of the British Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry and serves on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry He is a respected teacher with numerous publications. He is a sought-after international speaker particularly in the field of Dental Implants, Aesthetic Dentistry and management of complex cases. He lectures and gives courses regularly all over the world.  

Telmo Iceta

Telmo  Iceta Dr Telmo Iceta is a Specialist in Orthodontics and a member of the British and Spanish Orthodontic Societies. He received his Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree in 2008 from the University of Barcelona, a Masters in dental research in 2014 and his Masters in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics in 2015 from the University of Catalunya (UIC) in Barcelona.

On completion of his Masters program, Dr Iceta was invited to present his thesis at the Spanish Orthodontic Society. He has also participated in the prestigious European Orthodontic Society meetings of 2016 in Stockholm and in 2018 in Edinburgh presenting two scientific posters. He has lectured at the EAED closed meeting is a co-author of 3 scientific papers published in the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry on the topic of Interdisciplinary Dentistry. He works in private practice in Windsor and London UK.

16:00 Changing Lives

This lecture will look at 3 patients (in the last 2 years) who at the end of their treatment confided in me that I had changed their lives!

We will cover our treatment planning and how decisions were made. We will cover in detail the very latest digital tools that allow us to replace the diagnostic wax-up but still are really accurate in real time. I always have before and after models made up so the patient can approve and give consent to very sophisticated treatment plans.

My technician colleague Bryan Matthews will demonstrate and explain the giant leap forward this is! He will show how we can be certain that this is as accurate as the old diagnostic wax-up.

Learning Objectives

  • Delegates will understand how important treatment planning is!

  • Delegates will understand how important it is for the patient to be able to see the end result before we start.

  • Delegates will understand how this digital software works and how accurate it is.

  • Delegates will understand how important it is to gain medico-legal consent from the patient.

  • Delegates will understand how your laboratory technician is really your true partner in dentistry and I always tell my patients and delegates on my courses that it is the Technician who makes me look good.

  • Understanding my views on treatment planning

  • Understanding how important it is to obtain medico-legal consent

  • Understanding how useful and time/money saving is this type of software

  • Understanding how important the technician is in digital dentistry


Edwin Scher

Edwin ScherProfessor Scher graduated from University College Hospital, London, UK in 1973. He is registered on the GDC Specialist List in Oral Surgery and Prosthodontics.

He is a Visiting Clinical Professor at the Prosthodontics and Implant Department, TempleUniversity, Philadelphia, USA, and visiting Professor at University College Cork Dental School. He is also an Honorary Senior Lecturer in Dental Implantology, School of Health Care Professions, University of Salford, UK. and lecturer at the Eastman dental Institute.

Professor Scher is a Fellow and Diplomate of the ICOI, and was a Director on its Board. He is also a founder member and past President of the Association of Dental Implantology, UK, and served most recently as its scientific chairman 2011 - 2013. He was made an Honorary life member of the A.D.I. in 2013

He is the Director of the Osseointegrated Year Course (now in its 30th year), and is the Editor in Chief of Implant Dentistry Today.

He is Scientific Chairman of Alpha Omega UK and has published extensively in refereed journals.

He has been on the Advisory Board at Tel Aviv Dental School since 2012; and he was appointed a Governor of Tel Aviv University in 2016

Bryan Matthews

Bryan  MatthewsBryan Matthews is a seasoned dental technician and entrepreneur with a background in both dental technology and IT. He graduated with a Bachelor of Technology degree in Dental Technology from Durban University of Technology, South Africa, in 1997. After initially working as a dental technician and expanding his skills in IT studies, Bryan immigrated to the UK in 2001.

In the UK, Bryan continued his career in dental technology, eventually transitioning to freelance work, where his expertise and dedication led him to supporting various dental labs around London with their more complex cases. Recognising the potential for growth in digital dental technology, Bryan established Tusk Dental Technologies. Under his leadership, Tusk has expanded into a nationally recognised dental lab, known for its early adoption and innovative approach to digital dental solutions built on the solid foundation of sound restorative principles. Throughout this period Bryan has been involved in educating fellow technicians through technical training, acted in KOL roles and performed advisory work for industry leading technology and material manufacturers. 

Recently, Bryan's company partnered with the prominent European lab company, Corus, marking a significant milestone in his career and the growth of Tusk Dental Technologies. Bryan’s journey reflects his commitment to excellence and innovation in the field of dental technology.

17:00 Moderated Discussion
17:30 Close
19:00 Industry Party
23:00 End

Plenary Programme

08:00 Registration - Tea/Coffee & Exhibition
08:55 Introduction - Moderator - Dr Fazeela Khan-Osborne
09:00 Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration (IDR) Technique – Evolution to Revolution

Single-tooth replacement in the esthetic zone has been one of the most common indications for dental implant placement. Compromised teeth are removed using atraumatic principles and immediately replaced by an implant-supported provisional restoration, with excellent esthetic, biological, and functional results.

However, in cases of compromised sites with bone loss/gingival recessions, the clinical scenario presents a different dilemma. Until now, all developed surgical recommendations required long-term treatment with possible undesirable complications in the tissue architecture.

The Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration (IDR) is a surgical and prosthetical technique established to broaden indications for immediate loading on individual teeth. In this way, tissue losses with varied extensions are reconstructed in the same surgical session of implant placement and provisional crown installation, reducing the number of interventions and keeping predictability on esthetic aspects. The IDR protocol was developed more than 18 years ago from the need to minimize the treatment time and morbidity of reconstructive procedures used in these cases.

In this lecture we discuss the scientific basis, the step-by-step technique, indications and also the main advancements of the technique in the last 10 years. The IDR technique, which advocates minimally invasive surgery, flapless procedures, is presented as a viable and reproducible alternative.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the step-by-step, indications, and advantages of the IDR concept

  • Management of the graft from maxillary tuberosity and the 3-D reconstruction of hard and soft tissue damaged in post-extraction socket

  • Discuss on bone biology and IDR response

José Carlos Rosa

José Carlos  Rosa

  • Graduation course in Dentistry, Federal University of Santa Maria – UFSM – Santa Maria/RS – Brazil, 1988
  • Specialised course in Periodontics, Associação Paulista dos Cirurgiões-Dentistas – APCD – Bauru/SP – Brazil, 1991
  • Specialised course and Master of Science in Prosthesis, CPO SLMandic – Center of Dental Research São Leopoldo Mandic – Campinas/SP – Brazil, 2005
  • PhD in Implantology, CPO SLMandic – Center of Dental Research São Leopoldo Mandic – Campinas/SP – Brazil, 2014
  • Developer of the Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration (IDR) technique
  • Author of the book “Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration – Immediately loaded implants in compromised sockets” by Quintessence Publishing
  • International Speaker at Congresses in more than 60 countries
  • Private Practice, Caxias do Sul – RS – Brazil.
09:45 Implants in the Aesthetic Zone - Key Factors for Success

High esthetic standards and a reduced duration of the overall treatment are the overarching tendencies in esthetic implantology nowadays. While these two concepts may appear contradictory, our main goal is to achieve the maximal aesthetic results within the shortest time frame possible.

This presentation will showcase the key factors for obtaining success in implant restorations in the esthetic zone and also a merger of concepts such as immediate implantation and guided implant placement with simple and complex situations of hard and soft tissue reconstruction in different types of bone and tissue deficiencies.

The presentation will facilitate gaining a perspective on the extent of the therapeutic interval in relation to the complexity of the clinical situation and also how to avoid esthetic complications.

Learning Objectives

  • The participants will be able to evaluate single and multiple edentulous sites in the aesthetic zone
  • The participants will be able to recognize the various types of alveolar ridge deficiencies and soft tissue defects and to decide on the appropriate surgical management of these clinical situations
  • The participants will receive knowledge of the success criteria for implant restorations in the aesthetic area.

Cristian Dinu

Cristian DinuCristian Dinu DMD, MD, MSc, PhD. Professor, Consultant in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Implantology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj-Napoca, Romania (2020-2024; 2024-2029). Master of Plastic Periodontal Surgery at University of Bologna (Director: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Zucchelli). Extensively lectures at several national (over 60 conferences) and international congresses of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral Implantology (over 50 conferences). Research member and coordinator in more than 23 European and national scientific projects. Received several prizes in national and international scientific events. Author and co-author of more than 120 papers in national and international journals. Co-author of 12 specialty books. Specific focus on plastic and reconstructive surgery, facial aesthetic surgery, reconstructive microsurgery, craniofacial trauma and malformations, salivary glands pathology, advanced oral implantology, and periodontology. Member of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Arbeitsgruppe fur Ostheosynthesefragen AOCMF, International Team for Implantology, etc. 

10:30 Tea/Coffee and Exhibition
11:00 Esthetic Implant Dentistry: Planning and Execution

The esthetic implant rehabilitation of patients with esthetically and functionally compromised dentition frequently involves a multidisciplinary approach. The achieving of esthetic objectives in multidisciplinary cases represents a considerable clinical challenge.

During recent years, treatment modalities and options have changed. From a surgical point of view, less invasive procedures are used in order to preserve soft tissue anatomy and minimize recession. Also the design of implants and prosthetic components has changed in order to minimize bone resorption and soft tissue alterations. This lecture will focus on a new surgical and prosthetic approach in difficult esthetic implant rehabilitations.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the perio-prostho correlation in anterior implant restorations

  • Understand the use of connective tissue grafting

  • Understand the prosthodontic factors that influence long term soft tissue stability

Eric Van Dooren

Eric  Van DoorenDr. Eric Van Dooren attended the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, where he received his degree in dentistry in 1982. After graduating he opened a private practice in Antwerp, Belgium, which is limited to periodontics, fixed prosthodontics, and implants.

Currently Dr Van Dooren is a Visiting Professor at University of Liege ( Belgium) and University of Marseille . He is an active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry.
Dr Van Dooren lectures nationally and internationally , mainly on aesthetics,implants and aesthetic periodontal surgery.

11:45 Moderated Discussion
12:15 Lunch & Exhibition
13:14 Introduction - Moderator - Dr Martin Wanendeya
13:15 Root Shield: What We Know, What We Think We Know & What We Do Not Know

Minimizing soft and hard tissue architecture loss following immediate tooth replacement has been challenging. Various bone and soft tissue grafting techniques has been used to minimize tissue loss affecting esthetics with various success. Since 2020, a controversial treatment concept [root shield (leaving a root fragment during tooth extraction)] has been advocated to maintain soft and hard 

tissue around implants. 

This presentation will evaluate what we know, what we do not know and what we think we know about this controversial treatment concept more than a decade since its inception. Emphasis will be placed on diagnosis and treatment planning, surgical, prosthetic, and complication management of root shield 

procedures during anterior immediate tooth replacement.

Learning Objectives

  • Indications & Contraindications for root shield
  • Surgical & Prosthetic rationale for root shield
  • ​​​​​​​Complication managements for root shield

Joseph Kan

Joseph KanProfessor Joseph Kan received his Prosthodontic and Implant Dentistry training from Loma Loma University (LLU) in 1997. He is currently a Professor at LLU and also maintains a private practice.

He has received numerous awards and recognition throughout his career, including the 1997 Academy of Osseointegration (AO) Best Research Award, 2003 Judson Hinckey Scientific Award from the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry and the 2005 Robert James Implant Dentistry Award. In 2019 he was given Honorary Membership by the UK Association of Dental Implantology and received the LLU Distinguished Research Award and Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontist Distinguished Speaker Award in 2020. Most recently Prof. Kan received the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) Honorary Membership for contribution to the field of Periodontology as well as the Clinical Research Award in 2021.

He serves on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, and the Journal of Esthetics and Restorative Dentistry and was the Program Chairman for the 2018 AO Annual Meeting and is currently a member of the AO Executive Board of Directors. He performed a live surgery at the 104th AAP Annual meeting in 2018. In 2017, Fardi et al (Int J Maxillofac Implants), listed 4 of Prof. Kan’s publication as the Top 100 cited articles in Implant Dentistry. In 2020, Praveen G et al (J Prosthet Dent), cited 2 of Prof. Kan’s publications as the top 100 most cited articles in Prosthodontics. Besides lecturing nationally and internationally, Prof. Kan has published over 140 referenced articles and book chapters on interdisciplinary treatment planning, periodontal peri-implant tissue management, and immediate tooth replacement concepts.

14:00 The Fully Digital Implant Patient: The Easy; The Difficult

As digital technology becomes more pervasive in everyday practice, there is an increased demand to apply it in ever more expanding clinical situations. This presentation will explore the full application of digital technology in the implant patient from initial diagnostics to the final restoration and explore their relative ease or difficulty of use in each area. This course will discuss digital workflow from start to finish including treatment planning with computer-guided software, guided implant placement, model scanning and restoration design.

Learning Objectives

  • Digital treatment protocols in contrast to traditional workflows

  • Understand digital technologies that enhance treatment outcomes and increase profitability 

  • How to predictably implement and execute digital implant treatment plans in everyday clinical practice

Mark Ludlow

Mark LudlowDr. Mark Ludlow is the Section Head of Implant Dentistry, Digital Dentistry, and Removable Prosthodontics at the University of Utah School of Dentistry.  He completed his DMD dental training at the University of Connecticut and received his MS in prosthodontics from the University of North Carolina.  As a practicing and teaching prosthodontist, Dr. Ludlow’s passion is in the development and integration of digital technology in the practice of everyday implant and restorative dentistry.

14:45 Tea/Coffee & Exhibition
15:15 Decision Making in Dental Implantology

Implant therapy is a recognized treatment for edentulous areas with long term success. Nevertheless, in some critical situations we must use different techniques (treatment options) of advanced oral surgery and bone regeneration to allow the implant placement avoiding the damage of important anatomical structures, like the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) or the maxillary sinus.

In severe cases of atrophic jaws, we must use very specific techniques to solve the clinical cases, like short or tilted implants or even more advanced techniques like extensive GBR (bone blocks, sinus lift and filling), inferior alveolar nerve lateralization, transposition or trespass. Is also very important to know how to deal and solve complications when treating challenging cases.

One of the goals of the lecture is to explain the different treatment options with oral implants in demanding cases of atrophic jaws and to use some state-of-the-art techniques to help solving some challenging cases with predictable results.

The other goal of the lecture is to create awareness of the objective criteria (ISQ, Torque, Bone density) that should be used to choose the right loading protocol (immediate, early or delayed) in all the rehabilitation situations, including the most demanding ones. Also, the more subjective factors, must be taken in consideration, to take the right decision and having long term predictable results.

Learning Objectives

  • Enumerating the different options to avoid or manipulate the inferior alveolar nerve for implant placement

  • To explain summarily the different techniques to avoid or graft the pneumatized maxillary sinus

  • Knowing the Criteria for predictable loading protocols for single and multiple splinted implants

  • Which objective and subjective factors should be taken in consideration to choose the loading protocol

Raquel Gomes

Raquel GomesDr Gomes is a Dental Medical Doctor by the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the University of Oporto (FMDUP) (1996-2002), post-graduation in Implantology in Sweden (Bränemark Institute in Gothenburg and Maxilla-Facial Surgery Ward at Västerås Hospital), has a specialization course in Implantology by FMDUP (2003-2006), a Master's Degree in Implantology by FMDUP (MsC), a PhD degree in the field or Oral Surgery /Implantology at FMDUP (2013-2018) and is a oral surgeon (specialist in oral surgery) by the Portuguese Dental Medical Association (OMD).

Dr Gomes is the opinion leader of Riiter academy, Bredent Medical Group, MINEC (Megagen International Network of Education and Clinical Research) active member, KOL of Osteobiol Biomaterials, KOL of T-scan (digital assessment of occlusion) , KOL of Osstell, IFZI (Prof.Lang) academy auxiliar instructor, Active member of BBB (Bone, Biomaterials and Beyond) Academy, ambassador of the Clean Implant Foundaton, MINEC ambassador and expert on Dental XP, Oralsurgerytube, MINEC and Dentinaltubules educational platforms

Dr Gomes is an invited External Teacher at Master and Specialization Course of Oral Rehabilitation (CESPU University, Portugal). Invited lecturer at Upenn (University of Pennsylvania, USA), private practices in Portugal dedicated exclusively to Implantology, advanced oral surgery and rehabilitation, a mentor of professional group Follow the RED (dedicated to oral surgery), International leader of the “Divas in Dentistry Project” and “Leading Ladies in Dentistry” Association. Chairwomen of WOW (Women of Wisdom), reviewer of Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research journal, BMC Oral Health and IJERPH. Editorial board of International Growth Factor and Stem Cells in Dentistry journal and author and co-author of several articles and chapters of books in the Dentistry Field.

Dr Gomes is also a speaker in more than 35 countries and listed in the Top 100 dentists in the World 2020 by the Global Interdisciplinary Institute

16:00 The Ultimate Full Arch Digital Challenge: Navigation, Image Guided Photogrammetry Impression and FP1 Natural Prosthesis

Dynamic Navigation leads guided surgery and immediate loading to the highest level of accuracy, reliability, and predictability, for the treatment of complex scenarios as total edentulous and terminal dentition patients. New algorithms enhance the decision making and the accurate execution of a personalized prosthetically and soft tissue driven implant positioning, making more predictable in the daily basis the immediate delivery of digitally designed FP1 prosthesis emulating the natural dentition without any pink supportive interface. A step-by-step evidence-based dissertation of all the digital, surgical and prosthetic aspects will characterize the overall lecture and drive the attendees to understand the ultimate digital, surgical and prosthetic protocols, materials and technologies

Learning Objectives

  • Guidelines on FP1 vs All-on-X belonging from 15 years of follow-up will be shared with the attendees
  • Increasing confidence on Advanced Digital Planning Protocols based on Ai driven segmentation
  • Learning advanced Navigation Surgery and immediate loading protocols
  • Discern the pros and cons of Full arch implant impression with different digital technologies: IOS, Photogrammetry, Navigation Photogrammetry, IOS-Photogrammetry
  • Definitive Full arch Prostheses with Zirconia and Zirconia-titanium based prostheses

Alessandro Pozzi

Alessandro PozziProf Alessandro Pozzi DDS PhD has been in practice since 1997. Specialist in Oral Surgery, Specialist in Orthodontics and TMJ dysfunctions. He’s licensed by the Italian General Dental Council and by the UK General Dental Council. Clinical Researcher and Professor at University of Rome Tor Vergata. Lecturer, Department of Restorative & Biomaterials Sciences, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, USA. Adjunct Clinical Professor Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry. Adjunct Associate Professor at Goldstein Center for Esthetics and Implant Dentistry, Augusta University USA. Pozzi Institute Rome Italy. Entitled with the Fellowship status of the Academy of Osseointegration (AO) for his commitment to the field of Osseointegration. In the 2023 he achieved the Dual-Specialist Diploma in Surgical and Prosthetic Implant Dentistry, Academy of Osseointegration (AO). In 2024, he has been accepted as Associate Member of the American Academy Esthetic Dentistry. Dr Pozzi is widely published, and international awards winner for his clinical research. Besides lecturing internationally, he is the founder of the Pozzi Institute in Rome, one of few qualified international centers that meet Academy Osseointegration’s strict academic and clinical criteria, where he has been training colleagues from all over the world. He is recognized as a global expert in digital implant dentistry and advanced technologies, as navigation and robotics, focusing on the surgical and prosthetic aspects of the full arch digital treatment with FP1 and AllonX protocols. Instagram @profpozzi Facebook @alessando.pozzi.184

16:45 Moderated Discussion
17:15 Close

Team Programme – Dental Hygienists & Therapists

08:00 Registration - Tea/Coffee & Exhibition
08:01 Moderator: Linzy Baker, ADI DCP Representative
09:00 Saliva Testing in Implants - Can We Predict Failure and Success of Implants?

During this lecture, Dr Sampson will talk through how saliva can be used as a diagnostic medium to look at inflammation, bacteria and genetic mutations that might increase (or decrease) the risk of implant failure. She will also discuss how an imbalanced oral microbiome can contribute to periodontal and peri implant disease and how clinicians can personalise patient's oral care to reduce their risk of problems. 

Learning Objectives

  • To understand what the oral microbiome is and how saliva can be used as a diagnostic medium

  • To understand what can be tested in the saliva to predict inflammation, an imbalanced oral microbiome or risk of bone loss

  • To discuss the implact or peri implantitis on general health

Victoria Sampson

Victoria SampsonDr Victoria Sampson is a functional dentist and researcher based in central London. She obtained her Bachelor in Dental Surgery from Barts and the London and is now known for her work in developing salivary diagnostics and microbiome testing. Her work has been acknowledged worldwide resulting in her becoming a scientific advisor, board member and clinical lead of multiple dental companies globally. Victoria has published numerous papers in the UK and internationally and was the first dentist in the world to link gum disease with worse COVID complications. Victoria is also the first dentist to shortlist for Forbes 30 under 30 in Healthcare and Science in Europe and has now founded her own multidisciplinary health centre in London aimed at putting the mouth back in the body and connecting the oral microbiome with general health. She is also a topical team member of the European Space Agency and NASA aimed at creating guidelines for astronauts before long haul flights.

10:00 Nutrition and Lifestyle Considerations for a Dental Implant Patient

An introduction to how the dental care professional can support the dental implant patient with nutrition and lifestyle medicine whatever stage the patient is at.

A dental implant procedure despite being an outpatient procedure is still surgery and involves a healing process.

This talk will look at nutrition and the nutrients in particular that can prepare and support this process, from preparation to placement to longevity.

Including discussion on functional testing, supplementation and a multidisciplinary approach.

Learning Objectives

  • To illustrate the role of nutrition and lifestyle medicine related to dental implant patients
  • To understand the nutrients needed to support the healing process and to feel confident in recommending foods that support patients comfort, that are still nutrient dense
  • To be aware of functional testing and supplementation and to know when to refer

Nina Farmer

Nina FarmerNina qualified in 2013 as a Dental Therapist from Sheffield Dental school and due to a passion for well being and a holistic approach with her patients, Nina returned to studying to become dual trained and graduated as a Nutritional Therapist in 2019.

Nina loves bringing her passions together, whether it is in the dental surgery with patients or providing workshops, lectures and articles for dental professionals and/or the general public.

Nina is a clinical educator for the Ikigai Oral Hygiene community, part of the clinical education team for TePe and a mentor for the BSDHT coaching and mentoring programme.

Nina recently obtained a post grad level 7 diploma in Dental Education, Coaching and Mentoring.

11:00 Tea/Coffee & Exhibition
11:30 A - Z of Dental Implant Maintenance

The health and stability of Peri - Implant tissues is essential to prevent complications such as peri-implant mucositis and peri implantitis. In this lecture Vicki will discuss the anatomical differences between periodontal tissues and peri - implant tissues, Risk factors that can increase peri implant disease, the importance of regular monitoring and professional maintenance of both conventional and zygomatic Implants

Learning Objectives

  • By the end of the lecture, the delegate will have developed more understanding of the anatomy of peri implant tissues

  • Be able to Recognise risk factors that contribute to the development of peri implant disease

  • Develop a greater understanding of protocols and practices used to treat Peri -implant disease

  • By the end of the lecture the delegate will be able to differentiate between conventional and

  • Zygomatic Implants

Vicki Griffiths

Vicki GriffithsVicki has been a Dental Therapist for the past six years, prior to this she was a Dental Nurse for fifteen years - Many of those years  were spent on the oral surgery department of a Dental Hospital working closely with the implant team. This role allowed her to gain invaluable experience assisting with surgical procedures and implant post operative patient care. Vicki now splits her time between an Implant referral Hospital and private practice. 

She has extensive experience and knowledge in maintaining and treating not only conventional dental implants but also zygomatic implants.  

Vicki is the North west Representative for the BSDHT and was also invited to be  part of the working group for the BSP Peri - implant guidelines workshops.  She also lectures on the Maintaining and Treating Peri-Implant disease Course at ICE Hospital in Manchester.   

12:30 Lunch & Exhibition
13:30 Occlusion in Implant Dentistry – How Precise is Precise and What’s It All About?

Do you ever wonder when your team should be using a facebow or mounted study models or thin articulating paper – and as for shimstock what’s that about?

Implants are often required in unstable mouths, Understanding the basic concepts of occlusion and how this is different for Implant provision allows a clear vision of what is required and how precise that needs to be in each scenario to allow the transformation of your patients restorations into a stable and long lasting environment.

This presentation will guide you through the basic concepts of day to day occlusion and how it relates to implant dentistry, when you need to use a facebow and articulator and how the  design of the occlusion can make life simpler and more predictable for you, your team and your patient!

Learning Objectives

  • The delegate will understand why is Occlusion important
  • To revise the basic concepts –rcp/icp ,mutually protected occlusion,  comformative and reorganized approaches , canine guidance and group function,
  • The delegate will understand when  to  use a semi adjustable articulator , how it works
  • The delegate will develop their knowledge of how teeth and implants different
  • To explore what occlusal guidance is specific for implants
  • To discuss the use of biteguards with implant treatment
  • To understand the need to review the occlusion long term post operatively

Graham Stokes

Graham StokesGraham Stokes is a Worcestershire man born and bred. He grew up, went to school and now lives in Malvern. He is passionate about dentistry and dental education.

He has been involved in Postgraduate dental education since 1993 as a Foundation trainer , a course programme director and for the last 20  years has been lecturing both nationally and internationally on prosthetics ,occlusion and implant dentistry.

He has worked over the last 20  years with the charity Bridge2aid leading teams of Dental health professionals into Tanzania and Rwanda to provide dental education and care for some of the poorest people in the world to ensure they have access to safe emergency dental care.

In the past he has been a member of the Principal Executive committee of the BDA and been chair of the BDA’s Health and Science committee.

In addition he is a member of Proctor and Gamble’s Dental Adhesives Key opinion leaders  Advisory board.

Graham was honoured in May 2024 to be awarded the BDA’s Fellowship medal in recognition of  a lifetime services to Dentistry.

In June 2024 Graham became the first ever dentist to be elected as Chair of the Medical Protection Society of which Dental Protection is part. Medical Protection is the largest Medical Indemnity Organisation providing indemnity for some  300,000 Doctors, dentists and allied health professionally around the globe.

14:30 Implants and Bruxism - Not The Perfect Pairing

Uncontrolled bruxism amidst dental implants has the potential for some devastating results. This presentation will cover diagnosis and treatment options for such patients. 

Learning Objectives

  • Diagnose Bruxism and understand its aetiology

  • Understand the various forms of tooth wear that can present

  • Consider occlusion in the role of Bruxism

  • Discuss preventative strategies to aid patients

Christopher Leech

Christopher LeechAfter studying at Newcastle University Dr. Leech also trained at Sheffield University where he discovered a love for dental implants. He has travelled Internationally training to the highest standards and is Vice President of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. He is the first dentist in the UK to pass the Membership for Advanced General Dental Surgery with the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh and is a member of the Dental Faculty for the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. He has also been awarded his Diploma in Implantology from the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh and is an examiner for them. He has been awarded a Fellowship, considered the highest available award from the Royal College that few hold, as well as a Fellowship from the College of Dentistry England. He is  a member of the Society for the Advancement of Anaesthesia in Dentistry and loves putting anxious patients at ease with the use of conscious sedation when needed.

15:30 Tea/Coffee & Exhibition
16:00 To Refer or Not to Refer: That is the Question!

The aim of a referral is to enable that the patient is seen by the appropriate clinician for their dental requirements.

Depending on the complexity of the treatment required we have a duty of care to discuss with the patient how best to meet the needs of the patient and who would be the ideal healthcare provider.

However, the dental referral needs to be appropriate and aims to safe guard the oral health of the patient giving them the choice to ensure that they receive the best care rather than referral for other reasons.

This lecture will discuss the dental referral system and how best to navigate this given our obligations to ourselves and our patients.

Learning Objectives

  • How do we refer and why will be discussed within this lecture to define the range of referrals

  • Discuss the objectives of referrals and what type of treatment is commonly referred.

  • In dental implantology, what type of care is referred and how is this done

  • Is implant treatment a special case with respect to GDC and who can do this work.

Fazeela Khan-Osborne

Fazeela  Khan-Osborne Fazeela is the founding clinician of the FACE implant multi-disciplinary team both on the surgical and restorative side, for One To One Dental Clinic based in Harley Street, London After qualification, Fazeela held several surgical posts in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, be- fore studying for a MSc in Restorative Dentistry which she received with Distinction.

She has always had a passion and special interest in Implant Dentistry: both on the sur- gical and restorative full arch rehabilitation of the maxilla, and has been involved in devel- oping treatment modalities for Peri-implantitits within clinical practice. Fazeela is passion- ate about the work based training and mentoring of general practitioners within Implant Dentistry.

She is the Course Lead for PG Diploma In Implant Dentistry for One To One Education Programme and the Smilefast Course Lead for Blended learning (Diploma In Implant Dentistry)(Eduqual). A former Lead Tutor for the Royal College of Surgeons, (Diploma In Implant Dentistry) she lectures worldwide on Implant Dentistry and is an boardmember of the BAAD CGDent and an active member of ADI.

Fazeela currently has collaborations with a joint programme in Muco-gingival surgery for Implant Dentistry with Prof Cristian Dinu (Romania).and collaborates with Dr Howie

Gluckman in South Africa, on the advanced courses.

17:00 Close

Team Programme – Dental Nurses & Practice Managers

08:00 Registration - Tea/Coffee & Exhibition
08:55 Moderator: Samimeh Hosaini
09:00 Asepsis in Implant Dentistry

Asepsis is a fundamental principle in implant dentistry, ensuring successful osseointegration and reducing the risk of infection-related complications. This lecture explores the critical aspects of maintaining aseptic conditions during implant placement, including infection control protocols, surgical environment optimisation, and adherence to evidence-based sterilisation techniques.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this lecture, participants will understand the principles of asepsis in implant dentistry and its critical role in preventing infections and ensuring implant success. 

  • They will be able to implement evidence-based infection control protocols, including proper surgical asepsis, instrument sterilisation, and environmental optimisation. 
  • They will develop the ability to recognise and mitigate contamination risks during implant placement, enhancing patient safety and long-term treatment outcomes.

Shubham Mittal

Shubham MittalShubham graduated at the top of his class at university and, after successfully completing the Royal College examinations, pursued an MSc in Implantology at Warwick. He later attained an MClinDent in Prosthodontics with distinction from King’s College London, which refined his expertise in complex rehabilitative restorative and implant dentistry.

He is passionate about education and mentorship and is dedicated to training the next generation of dental professionals. In addition to lecturing internationally on aesthetic and regenerative implant dentistry, he provides one-to-one mentorship, offering tailored guidance to clinicians seeking to refine their skills. His commitment to hands-on teaching extends to chairside supervision, where he works closely with dentists to enhance their clinical techniques in real time. His clinical and research interests focus on managing nervous patients with complex, multiple, and chronic dental conditions, reinforcing his dedication to patient-centered care.

Furthering his dedication to professional development, he recently completed a certificate in Dental Anxiety and Sedation from Newcastle. He has received multiple awards and accolades throughout his career and actively contributes to the advancement of prosthodontics and implantology through teaching and mentorship.

Beyond dentistry, he is a passionate landscape photographer and watercolour artist. At home, he enjoys cooking and gardening with his two children.

09:45 Implants: A Dental Nurse’s Role

This presentation offers an exploration of dental implants, and the essential role dental nurses play in their placement. The session will highlight the responsibilities of dental nurses – from patient communication to surgical preparation and post-operative care, emphasising compliance with cross-infection protocols. Delegates will also gain an insight on how to prepare the clinical environment and work in collaboration with their clinicians, to obtain the best outcome for patients.

Learning Objectives

  • Explore the fundamentals of dental implants.
  • Understand the dental nurse’s role for implant procedures.
  • Master the surgical set-up for an implant placement.
  • Develop chairside assistance skills during surgical procedures.

Preetee Hylton

Preetee HyltonPreetee works full-time as a dental nurse and safeguarding lead at a private dental practice in London. She is actively involved in education and training as she delivers the NCFE CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Principles and Practice in Dental Nursing. Additionally, she serves as an Associate Examiner for the National Examining Board for Dental Nurses (NEBDN). She is also an honorary ambassador for the Mouth Cancer Foundation. Preetee's contributions to the dental community extend beyond her work - she is an editorial board member of the Dental Nursing Journal and regularly authors articles. She has also been featured in Dentistry, BDJ Team, Dental Therapy Update and the Primary Dental Journal. She is also an empowering and dynamic public speaker, addressing topics ranging from negotiation skills for dental nurses to raising awareness about domestic abuse (lived experience) at various dental events and conferences.

In the past, she has held roles as a lead dental nurse and receptionist, a practice manager, and a clinical mentor to student dental nurses. As an advocate for continuous learning and professional development, Preetee was an ambassador and the dental nurses' study club co-director for the International Team for Implantology (UK and Ireland Section) from 2020 to 2022; she was also one of the 4 founding members of this dental nursing community.

Preetee obtained her NEBDN National Certificate in Dental Nursing in 2010, followed by her BDA Education Certificate in Dental Radiography in 2013, and then her Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) qualification in 2015. In 2021, she completed her DDS Treatment Coordinator Programme. In 2023, she achieved her BDA Education Certificate in Oral Health Education and in 2024, she successfully completed her Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (CAVA). In addition to her academic accomplishments, Preetee has also obtained certificates in the following - COVID-19: Psychological First Aid, COVID-19: Helping Young People Manage Low Mood and Depression, and Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence.

Preetee's dedication and expertise have been recognized through various accolades. She received the Best Dental Nurse award at the DDS Recognition Awards in 2020 and went on to win Best Dental Nurse (South) at the Dentistry Awards in 2021. She was also a finalist at the Private Dentistry Awards in 2022. She was one of the judges at the prestigious Dentistry Awards in 2023 and 2024 and was the only practising dental nurse to be included in Dentistry's Top 50 in 2023 and 2024. Preetee is currently the BADN President. 

10:30 Tea/Coffee & Exhibition
11:00 The Reality of Treatment Coordination - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

In this session Laura and Leanna will share with you their communication tips for implant treatment coordinators and explore with delegates the systems and requirements that drive the TCO role. After this session the delegates will be armed with ideas for positive changes in the clinic.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn why this role is so important in practice and how it supports implant patients from their first appointment to the end of their treatment

  • Understand how much time is really needed in the role for different implant clinicians and patients

  • Discover ways to set outside your current systems and make changes that are a positive impact to the patient

Laura Horton

Laura HortonLaura Horton – Patient Experience & Practice Growth Expert.

Laura is a trailblazer in Treatment Coordination with a robust 25-year tenure in dentistry, starting as a dental nurse. Her zeal for enhancing treatment coordination, along with clinic and team growth, is unparalleled.

As the owner of a dental clinic, Laura spearheads her team, integrating a state-of-the-art digital patient journey from the first point of contact to in-depth consultations, ensuring a flawless experience. Her expertise in marketing and patient care workflows is central to this process, all pivoting around the Treatment Coordination model.

A GDC registrant, Laura has dedicated 15 years to augmenting clinics via her consultancy, standing as a linchpin in the dental community.

Laura’s proficiency in patient communication is unparalleled, and she imparts her grassroots knowledge to both clinicians and their teams through comprehensive training. Her methodologies are forged from extensive, real-world patient interactions.

Renowned for her educational prowess, Laura has mentored thousands of treatment coordinators. Her reputation for crafting custom content has made her a go-to resource for international dental brands.

Leanna Best

Leanna BestLeanna brings an extensive background and practical expertise from her employment at Clifton Dental Studio under Dr. Neil Gerrard. Registered with the GDC, she has excelled as a Dental Care Professional (DCP), Treatment Coordinator, and leader of the TCO team.

Since 2018 Leanna has been instrumental in supporting Laura, earning the role of lead trainer not just for her knowledge and ability to train team members, but also for her infectious enthusiasm and commitment to developing the skills of her clients teams.

Her contributions extend beyond her immediate responsibilities, as Leanna is highly sought after for her training and consultancy services. Her workshops are acclaimed by both business owners and staff for their impact and effectiveness.

Currently, Leanna serves as a Treatment Coordinator Manager for the Smmmile Store brand, under the guidance of Dr. Sandeep Kumar. In this role, she supports TCOs across multiple locations, continuing her commitment to excellence while maintaining her GDC registration.

Outside of her professional life, Leanna is dedicated to her children, Drew and Desi. Family is her cornerstone, and she treasures the moments spent with her loved ones and close friends. Additionally, Leanna attributes her positive outlook to her regular gym routine, underscoring the importance of physical well-being in achieving mental health.

12:00 50 Shades of White

In the world of dentistry, achieving the perfect shade match for restorations is both a science and an art. As dental professionals, we know that shade-taking is not just about picking a color—it’s about ensuring that the restoration blends seamlessly with a patient’s natural smile. But why is shade so important? The right shade doesn’t just improve aesthetics; it plays a crucial role in patient satisfaction, restoration longevity, and the overall success of dental procedures.

Why is shade-taking important?
Shade matching is the key to making dental restorations look natural. A perfect shade match means that the restoration will not only function properly but will also blend in effortlessly with surrounding teeth, restoring both appearance and confidence. In contrast, a poor shade match can make the restoration stand out, detracting from the patient’s smile and potentially leading to dissatisfaction.

What impacts shade-taking?
Shade-taking is influenced by various factors, including the type of material used (porcelain, composite, etc.), the lighting in the environment, the natural color of the patient’s teeth, and even their lifestyle habits. Each of these factors plays a role in determining how closely a restoration can mimic the natural tooth. Proper understanding and technique are essential to selecting the right shade, considering not just the tooth’s color but also its translucency and texture.

How to take the perfect shade match? 
In this session, I’ll share proven methods for achieving the ideal shade match. From using shade guides and digital tools to understanding the patient’s unique dental structure, we’ll explore best practices for assessing and selecting the perfect shade. I’ll also discuss the importance of lighting and how it affects the shade-taking process, as well as techniques to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Now and Next:

Currently, many dental professionals rely on traditional shade guides, but advancements in digital shade-matching technology are changing the game. In the next few years, we’ll see even more precision in shade-taking, with AI-powered tools and better materials that will make it easier than ever to create restorations that look and feel like natural teeth. We’ll discuss these innovations and how they can elevate your practice to the next level of precision and patient satisfaction.

Join me to explore the vital role of shade-taking in modern dentistry, how to master the technique, and how the future of shade technology is set to transform the way we approach restorations.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the Importance of Shade-Taking in Restorative Dentistry – Recognise how proper shade selection impacts the aesthetics, functionality, and long-term success of dental restorations.

  • Identify Key Factors Affecting Shade Accuracy – Learn the factors that influence shade-taking, including lighting, material properties, and patient-specific characteristics such as natural tooth color and translucency.

  • Master Techniques for Achieving the Perfect Shade Match– Gain practical insights into using traditional shade guides, digital tools, and environmental factors to consistently select the ideal shade for each patient.

  • Explore the Future of Shade-Taking Technology – Understand the latest advancements in digital and AI-powered shade-matching tools and how they can enhance precision and improve patient outcomes in restorative dentistry.

Kash Qureshi

Kash QureshiKash Qureshi is a Clinical Dental Technician (Denturist) in the U.K who oversees and quality controls over 3000+ fixed and removable prosthesis including implant cases from a clinical and technical aspect monthly at Bremadent Dental Laboratory & Swissedent Denture Clinic in London.

Kash can communicate jargon free technical and clinical support throughout to manage patient expectations and provide patients with consistent optimum results.

Kash qualified in the U.K (BTEC National Diploma & Foundation Degree: Dental Technology and Diploma in Clinical Dental Technology) and started his apprenticeship under John Gerrard in 2005 at the age of 16 . Kash became 'Prosthetics Manager' in 2010 and took over the laboratory as 'Managing Director' in 2015. He opened the Swissedent Denture Clinic in conjunction with the acquisition. As of 2014/2015 the GDC confirmed that he qualified as the 'Youngest Clinical Dental Technician' in the UK.

He is accredited in 'Valplast' flexible dentures, 'Swissedent Natural Looking Dentures' and has undergone various courses in 'Private Prosthetics', 'Implant Prosthetics' including 'All on 4/6' Immediate Implant loadings, 'Implant Retained Locator, Ball Prosthetics' and 'Implant Bar Dentures'.

He has also trained on PTC Dental Laboratory management, PTC Crown & Bridge and a GNVQ in accountancy level 2.

12:45 Lunch & Exhibition
14:00 Viral Dentistry: How to Create a Practice Patients Can’t Stop Talking About

In an era where patient trust is the currency of growth, word-of-mouth marketing remains the most powerful driver of new patient acquisition. But what if you could supercharge it? Based on insights from my book, Experience Marketing for Dentists, this talk will reveal how dental practices can accelerate their growth without spending a penny more on marketing. By transforming patient experiences, fostering deep connections, and leveraging subtle but effective strategies, you’ll learn how to turn your patients into your most valuable marketing asset.

Learning Objectives

  • Master the Patient Experience Formula – Discover how small but impactful changes in your patient journey can naturally amplify referrals.
  • Leverage Emotion and Memory in Marketing – Learn the psychological triggers that make patients eager to recommend your practice.
  • Create a Referral Culture Without Asking for Referrals – Implement effortless systems that encourage patients to spread the word organically.
  • Turn One Patient into Ten – Explore proven methods to turn happy patients into enthusiastic advocates, fuelling exponential practice growth.

Shaz Memon

Shaz MemonShaz Memon is an award-winning dental marketing expert. Founder of Digimax Dental, the world’s highest rated dental marketing agency, Shaz has worked in the industry for more than two decades. Designer, marketer and business leader, he worked across a wide variety of sectors, gaining experience with leading names, including the BBC, before finding his preferred niche in dentistry marketing. Voted as Top 14th Most Influential in UK Dentistry Top 50 2020 and 2021. He has published two business volumes – Instagram for Dentists and Instagram for Business. Shaz is also founder of the charity Wells on Wheels and training company

14:45 PRF: A Game Changer in Implant Dentistry

In the field of wound healing, the PRF since its publication in 2001 has raised growing interest among dental surgeons.

PRF treatments accelerate wound healing and tissue regeneration, stimulate osteogenesis and promote new blood vessel formation. PRF contains approximately 10 times more platelet concentration than normal blood, therefore having great healing and regenerative properties.

Learning Objectives

  • Biology of Platelet Rich Fibrin

  • Biology of wound healing – Growth Factors

  • Clinical applications of PRF in dentistry (Bone Augmentation, Soft Tissue Management, Ridge preservation, Dental Implantology)

  • Hard and soft tissue regeneration with PRF

Nikolaos Vourakis

Nikolaos  VourakisNikolas is a Senior Implant and Restorative Surgeon in private clinics in London and Edinburgh.

His special interest and main qualifications are in Oral Surgery and Oral Implantology while he has wide experience in all areas of Aesthetic Dentistry.

He has been a practicing Dental Surgeon since 2005 after graduating from the prestigious Military Academy Medical School at the University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Nikolas started his training in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department of the 401 Military Hospital in Athens, Greece. As a military officer, he then went on to serve as a team leader in a field hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan - an experience which shaped his commitment and dedication to his chosen field. On returning to Greece, he furthered his training completing a Postgraduate Diploma in Oral Implantology from the University of Athens, Greece and a Master of Science Degree in Oral Surgery/Implantology from Göethe University of Frankfurt, Germany.

He recently obtained an Advanced Surgical Master Curriculum in Regenerative Implant Dentistry next to Dr Istvan Urban in Budapest, Hungary.

Nikolas is lecturing about Implants and Regenerative Dentistry and he is holding a program for introducing and mentoring dentists in Implant Dentistry.

He is  a Member of the Association of Dental Implantology and the International Team for Implantology.

15:45 Tea/Coffee & Exhibition
16:15 Compliance Confidence: Steer Clear of the Top Pitfalls

This session is designed to equip dental professionals with practical tips, actionable advice, and insights to navigate common compliance challenges confidently. We will explore frequently encountered areas of non-compliance within dental practices and provide clear strategies to address them effectively. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of how to stay prepared for CQC inspections, ensuring their practice remains compliant and inspection-ready. Whether you are a practice manager, owner, or team member, this talk will empower you to identify potential pitfalls and implement solutions that foster a culture of excellence and compliance.

Learning Objectives

  • Common areas of non-compliance.
  • How to avoid the pitfalls.
  • Understanding risk assessments and significant incident recording. 
  • Hints and Tips from recent CQC inspections.

Bilkis Hussain

Bilkis HussainBilkis Hussain is the Head of Compliance at Apolline, with over a decade of experience in managing CQC compliance within dental practices. Her expertise spans leadership, management, and compliance, where she has supported numerous dental teams in achieving and maintaining CQC standards. Bilkis has played a pivotal role in guiding practices through successful inspections, turning compliance challenges into opportunities for growth. Known for her contributions to Smokeless Tobacco NICE guidelines, Bilkis has authored journal articles, produced podcasts, and presented at international conferences. Her career blends a strong foundation in psychology and leadership with hands-on experience in compliance, inspection management, and developing strategies that empower dental professionals. Passionate about enabling practices to thrive in a regulated environment, Bilkis shares actionable insights that foster leadership excellence and operational success.

17:00 Close

Technicians' Programme

08:00 Registration - Tea/Coffee & Exhibition
08:01 Moderator: Danny Cleary, ADI Technical Representative
09:00 Face, White and Pink, Simplify Complex Restorative Cases

While our industrial marketing machine seems to focus on single molar dentistry laboratories and Clinicians need to understand that their ability to communicate with there clinical partners on a verity of topics will help to separate them from the pack. Complex cases are more present today then ever before, Clinical teams with the knowledge of restoring these cases are in a strong position to secure their future success. Understanding restorative options is a key factor in creating a blueprint for successful case communication. Restorative material choices and the use of implants, which is the largest growth product in the dental market, have influenced our options. Today’s dental teams need a solid foundation of knowledge to control case outcome and esthetic success. 

Learning Objectives

  • Patient guided communication tools
  • Replacement, Reposition or restoring options
  • The use of pink ceramics
  • Implant options to simplify complex case design
  • Restorative options for implant involved cases. 

Peter Pizzi

Peter PizziAs a dental educator for several years Peter has found an easy transition into both the technical/clinician circuit lecturing both Doctors and technicians nationally and internationally including in the United States, Canada, Australia, Asia and Europe.  His personal appreciation and expertise on all phases of Clinical /Laboratory techniques including Fixed Prosthodontics, Ceramics, Implantology, Muscle Function, Color communication, Digital Photography, Material Options and Mandibular Physiology have made him a source of knowledge and motivation for his peers. Peter’s unique lecture ability and communication skills create a great learning environment.


  • Graduate and Mentor at the Kois Center for Dental Excellence.
  • Board member of ASMDT (Association of Master Dental Technicians)
  • Teacher and educator in Master Dental technician program (New York University)
  • Member of the AAED (American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry)
  • Fellow of the NGS (Northeastern Gnathalogical Society)
  • Editor in Chief, [Inside Dental Technology]  Aegis Communications
  • Executive Board Member of the NGS
  • Faculty at NYU School of Dentistry
  • ACP Technician of the year 2018
  • Scientific Advisor at the Kois Center for Dental Excellence

Peter has also lectures as a dental teammate with many Dr's including Dr John Kois, Dr David Hornbrook, Dr Lenord Kobren, Dr Sivan Finkel , Dr Bernadette Sawa and Dr Micheal Ricciardi

10:00 Tea/Coffee & Exhibition
10:30 MONOLITHIC: A New Era of Aesthetic Revolution and Shade Matching Innovation

In today's rapidly evolving dental landscape, achieving aesthetic excellence in restorations has become paramount. My presentation, titled "MONOLITHIC: A New Era of Aesthetic Revolution and Shade Matching Innovation," will explore the innovative techniques that are redefining the standards of dental aesthetics. Focusing on monolithic restorations, the Miyo approach, and the cutting-edge Matisse shade matching software, this presentation will showcase how these methods can create seamless blends with the surrounding dentition, whether for implants, crowns, or veneers.

Participants will explore the fundamental principles behind monolithic restorations, including their advantages in strength, durability, and aesthetic appeal. The Miyo technique will be highlighted as a groundbreaking method for enhancing the natural appearance of dental restorations, allowing dental professionals to achieve lifelike results that meet patient expectations. The integration of Matisse shade matching software will be introduced as a revolutionary tool that brings precision and accuracy to color matching, ensuring that restorations achieve the perfect match with the patient's natural teeth.

Additionally, the presentation will address the use of zirconia and all-on-X restorations, offering insights into how these advanced materials can be maximized for both functional and aesthetic outcomes. By understanding the color dynamics involved in aesthetic restorations and leveraging digital technology like Matisse, attendees will gain valuable insights into achieving optimal results that harmonize with each patient's unique dentition.

This session aims to equip dental professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to embrace this new era of aesthetic innovation, transforming their restorative practices and elevating the quality of care provided to patients. By combining the strengths of monolithic materials, the finesse of the Miyo technique, and the precision of Matisse shade matching software, dental professionals will be empowered to deliver restorations that are not only functional but also aesthetically impeccable.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the Principles of Monolithic Restorations: Gain insights into the characteristics and advantages of monolithic materials in achieving high joi aesthetic and durable dental restorations

  • Explore the Miyo Technique: Learn how to effectively apply the Miyo technique to enhance the natural appearance of restorations, ensuring seamless integration with the surrounding dentition

  • Master Shade Matching Innovations: Discover new strategies and techniques for accurate shade matching, enabling dental professionals to achieve lifelike results in aesthetic restorations

  • Maximize Materials: Learn how to optimise  the use of advanced materials in restorative dentistry to enhance both functional and aesthetic outcomes.

Alina Ceclan

Alina CeclanAlina Ceclan is one of Europe’s MiYO Instructors and a Master Ceramist at Q LAB in London. Known for her expertise in highly complex restorations, Alina's philosophy revolves around recreating nature in every case, with a particular focus in color matching across all types of restorations. 

As a MiYO instructor, Alina began her lecturing journey with a live demonstration at IDS Cologne, Germany in 2023. She has contributed to widely recognised publications such as DENTISTRY.CO.UK magazine and DTG, and continues to share her extensive knowledge through hands-on courses across the UK. Alina is a strong advocate for increasing female representation in the Dental Technology field, using online webinars and platforms like NightShift to inspire and empower the younger generations.

Alina champions proactive collaboration between Dental Technicians and Dentists from the initial formulation of a patient's case. Her work focuses on helping patients rediscover their confidence through beautifully crafted smiles. Recently, Alina extended her advocacy for this collaborative approach during a week-long visit to multiple U.S.-based dental labs, culminating in a lecture at LAB DAY WEST in Los Angeles in 2024. 

With a commitment to enhancing patient outcomes, Alina strives to empower fellow dental professionals by sharing her knowledge and embracing innovative technologies and techniques, thereby elevating the standard of care in restorative dentistry.

11:30 Integrating AI and VR in Digital Dentistry: Transforming Implant Planning and Patient Outcomes

Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) are revolutionizing the field of digital dentistry. This presentation will explore how these cutting-edge technologies can enhance implant planning, improve precision, and optimize patient outcomes. By integrating AI-driven analytics and VR simulations, dental professionals can achieve unprecedented accuracy in diagnosis and treatment planning. Attendees will gain insights into the latest AI tools, VR applications, and case studies demonstrating successful implementations. This session will highlight the benefits of these technologies in creating efficient workflows, reducing errors, and providing immersive patient education experiences.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the fundamentals of AI and VR technologies and their applications in digital dentistry
  • Explore the integration of AI and VR in implant planning and the impact on precision and patient outcomes
  • Analyze case studies demonstrating the successful use of AI and VR in clinical settings
  • Learn how to implement these technologies in dental practice to improve workflow efficiency and patient education.

Lorant Stumpf

Lorant StumpfLorant Stumpf is a master dental technician and professional CAD designer based in Budapest. With a passion for the latest technological advancements in digital dentistry, Lorant runs an online Dental Design Service and an online shop for custom libraries for exocad and 3shape dental CAD softwares. As an international lecturer and CAD trainer, he has traveled worldwide, sharing his expertise and knowledge. Lorant's innovative approach combines AI and VR technologies to push the boundaries of implant dentistry and enhance patient care.

12:30 Lunch & Exhibition
14:00 Introduction to Current Gold Standards for Analog Full Arch in Dentistry

The analog full arch restoration remains a cornerstone of prosthetic dentistry, offering patients a dependable and functional solution for complete edentulism. As the field advances into the digital era, the gold standards for analog restorations are defined by precision, durability, and aesthetic excellence. These standards ensure that patients receive high-quality care, resulting in prosthetics that function well and have a natural appearance.

The process begins with thorough diagnostic planning and the creation of precise impressions to capture the patient’s oral anatomy. These impressions must be accurate to ensure a proper fit of the final prosthesis. Additionally, the use of high-quality materials for frameworks and prosthetics, such as titanium or high-strength dental alloys, is essential to provide the necessary support and durability.

Advancements in analog techniques have further refined these standards, such as PAIT, PARS guides, and cal techniques enhancing the fit, function, and longevity of full arch prosthetics, this allows for increased accuracy and efficiency in the treatment process. This integration helps clinicians achieve more precise results, ultimately benefiting the patient.

Maintaining these high standards requires continuous education and adherence to best practices. Clinicians and Technicians must stay informed about the latest advancements and techniques to ensure they can deliver optimal outcomes for their patients. Regular evaluation and adaptation of methods are crucial to uphold the integrity and effectiveness of analog full arch restorations in modern dental practice.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand advanced analog impression techniques to accurately record the oral anatomy for full arch restorations.

  • Identify and utilize high-quality materials for the construction of full arch frameworks and prosthetics, with a focus on durability and aesthetics.

  • Learn the principles of designing and fabricating durable and functional full arch frameworks using analog techniques.

  • Develop skills in constructing precise full arch prosthetics, focusing on the details necessary to achieve a high level of fit and patient comfort.

Kevin Armstrong

Kevin ArmstrongKevin Armstrong began his career in dental technology in 1995, pursuing his studies at Manchester Metropolitan University. Graduating in 2000 with a degree in Dental Technology, he laid the foundation for his future endeavors. Driven by a commitment to prosthetic rehabilitation, Kevin furthered his education at George Brown College in Canada, focusing on Clinical Dental Technology and graduating with honors in 2010. He continued his studies with the Faculty of General Dental Practice (FGDP), completing two additional years to become a qualified Clinical Dental Technician.

With over 29 years of experience, Kevin is a pivotal figure in the profession. His expertise in fixed full-arch prosthetics has earned him a reputation as a highly skilled Clinical Dental Technician, educator, and mentor. He regularly lectures for leading implant companies in the UK, focusing on immediate loads and full arch construction. His knowledge and experience are invaluable to both new and experienced Clinicians.

Kevin's dedication to mentoring is evident in his work with implant dentists beginning their full arch training. He runs courses alongside his lecturing commitments, shaping the next generation of Clinical Dental Technicians and Implant Dentists.

15:00 Tea/Coffee & Exhibition
15:30 Increase Your Accuracy with Guide Surgery

How to get the best accuracy on guided surgery following gold standards protocols.

Learning Objectives

  • Improve the accuracy of guided surgery 
  • Best principals on how to acquire high-quality data from VOL/DICOM and STLs from IOS

Hugo Patrao

Hugo PatraoHugo is a service partner specialist for Smop by Swissmeda with a degree in Dental Technology and is also registered with the GDC. He is involved in developing and improving the SMOP software to meet the increasing market demands and deliver specialized training on digital planning workflows.

In recent years Hugo has been at the forefront of dental technology, workingwith heads of research and development teams worldwide. He has helped deliver new dental appliances and more recently he was helping clinicians incorporate new technologies and digital planning into their practices andprotocols, design drilling guides, and develop new drilling procedures.

16:30 Close

Next Gen Programme

08:00 Registration - Tea/Coffee & Exhibition
08:59 Moderator: Zubair Sacranie and Daniel Benson
09:00 Digital Planning in Implant Dentistry
Jaimini Vadgama

Jaimini VadgamaJaimini qualified with Honours from King’s College London Dental Institute in 2012. During her foundation training she gained a Postgraduate Certificate in Primary Dental Care from the University of Kent alongside passing membership examinations for the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh. She gained her MSc in Implant Dentistry from the University of Warwick in 2017 and holds an LLM in Medical Law and Ethics at the University of Edinburgh. 

Jaimini has a broad general practice providing general dentistry with a special interest in digital and laser dentistry as well as facial aesthetics and comprehensive orthodontics. She is a part of the core teaching faculty and Digital Module Lead at Brighton and Sussex Medical School on the MSc in Dental Reconstructive Implant Surgery and was closely involved in the development and teaching of the pilot module on Emerging Technologies.

She is deeply invested in digital dentistry and its application in everyday dental practice within implantology, orthodontics and smile design. She has significant experience in implementing fully digital workflows for guided implantology, in-house production of surgical guides, orthodontic aligners and one-visit CEREC implant restorations.

Jaimini is passionate about promoting digital and implant dentistry and inspiring, mentoring and engaging women to excel in these fields where women are still underrepresented. 

Jiten Vaghela

Jiten VaghelaDr Jit qualified as a dental surgeon in 2009 from Guy's, King's and St Thomas' Dental Institute in London. Dr Jit completed his formal Implant training in 2017, and has achieved a Master’s Degree in Clinical Implantology.  

Dr Jit has enjoyed over 12 years doing all aspects of clinical dentistry, and since 2020, has limited his clinical practice to Implant Dentistry only. Dr Jit has been placing and restoring implants for over 10 years, and has a keen interest in guided implant surgery.  

Dr Jit has previously been an Educational Supervisor for Health Education England and currently teaches and mentors on the Smile Dental Academy Postgraduate Diplomas in Implant Dentistry and also Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry on all aspects of Implant dentistry, as well as being a national and international speaker.

Dr Jit sits on the board of the NextGen Committee with the Association for Dental Implantology (ADI) UK, supporting the development of the next generation of implant dentists.  

Dr Jit is a Director of the Smile Clinic Group. 

Ricky Bhopal

Ricky BhopalRicky graduated as a dentist from the University of Manchester with BDS Honours in 2014 and was the recipient of the prestigious Charles H Preston prize medal. Ricky attained multiple awards and prizes for achieving; the highest in finals, highest overall student over the 5 year Dentistry course, distinction in case presentations and was also awarded the outstanding academic achievement award for being in the top 0.5% of students at the University of Manchester. 

10:00 The Evolution of Hard and Soft tissue Grafting

This presentation will give an overview of Hard and soft tissue augmentation looking specifically at the evolution of augmentation considering where we were to where we have come and where we are going.

Learning Objectives

  • Biology behind hard and soft tissue augmentation

  • Rules of surgery and how mastering basics will lead to better treatment of complex cases

  • An update on material science in hard and soft tissue augmentation

  • Give an understanding on the timeline in terms of progression of GBR and soft tissue grafting techniques.

Viraj Patel

Viraj PatelHaving qualified as a dentist in 2012, Viraj has set out to gain the necessary experience to help him with his goal of becoming one of the lead Implantologists in the UK for the future.

Viraj undertook hospital training in Maxillofacial and Oral surgery in 2014 and since has attended multiple Dental Implant courses within the UK.  In 2018 his passion for implants led him to New York City in, where he enrolled for 2 years at New York University (NYU), on the renowned Advanced Implant Dentistry Program.

Since moving back to the UK, on completion of the Program, in 2020 Viraj has been working as a dental implantologist in private practices across London.

He was awarded the "ITI Future Star" prize by the International Team of Implantology in 2021 and received an award for "the Best Young Implant dentist in the UK 2022".

He has also become a key opinion leader for some of the leading implant companies within the UK and is now lecturing and presenting internationally.

The majority of cases referred to him are those requiring implants in conjunction with complex ridge augmentation procedures.

11:00 Tea/Coffee & Exhibition
11:30 0-100 Getting Started in implant Dentistry, Becoming an Experienced Implant Surgeon
  • How to best start out with implants

  • Different pathways

  • Foolproof implants

Hiten Pabari

Hiten PabariHiten graduated from Guy's, King's and St Thomas' Dental Institute, London in 2003. After completing vocational training, he worked as a Senior House Officer at Basildon University Hospital. He then spent four years working in general dental practice in London while training to become a specialist.

Hiten developed an interest in Prosthodontics and Implants during his Vocational Training and House Officer year. In 2005, he started specialist training in Prosthodontics at Guy's Hospital, London whilst working as a Staff Grade Oral Surgeon at King's College Hospital. Whilst completing his specialist training he has worked for and trained under world renowned Implant and Restorative Clinicians. In 2007 Hiten was appointed as an Associate Specialist in Restorative Dentistry at St. George's Hospital, London where he practiced all restorative modalities on a referral basis.

Hiten achieved the Astratech® Prosthodontics award whilst completing his Master of Clinical Dentistry in Prosthodontics. He then obtained his Membership in Restorative Dentistry from the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh). In 2009, he was accepted on the GDC Specialist Register for Prosthodontics. During his postgraduate studies, Hiten was awarded a scholarship to attend an International Implant course in Sweden.

Hiten has attended many international conferences, for example, he has spoken at the International Association for Dental Research (IADR).

Hiten works for referral practices in London, and Essex. He also enjoys teaching restorative dentistry to dental students at Guy's Hospital and is involved in running postgraduate courses on Implants for the London Deanery. He currently holds the position of Consultant in Prosthodontics at Guy's Hospital.

12:30 Lunch & Exhibition
13:30 How to Predictably Plan Every Single Implant Case: The Next Gen Way
Harshiv Karia

Harshiv KariaDr Harshiv Karia is a specialist Prosthodontist with a passion for advancing and innovating in the field of digital dentistry. As the lead of postgraduate digital dentistry at the University of Pennsylvania, his daily work involves implementing, educating, and training post-graduate residents on innovative digital workflows to tackle complex full-mouth rehabilitation cases. Dr. Karia, a graduate of Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry and the University of Pennsylvania, is dedicated to educating the next generation of dentists and providing optimal patient care.

Dimitrios Charoulis
15:00 Tea/Coffee & Exhibition
15:30 Full Arch Workflows
Sherlock Chan

Sherlock ChanDr. Sherlock Chan is a graduate of Liverpool Dental School, where he gained foundational knowledge in dentistry. He further honed his expertise through advanced training and hospital postings in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Subsequently, he achieved the Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery (MFDS), a testament to his commitment to continuing professional development.

Throughout his career, Dr. Chan has earned a Master’s degree in Dental Implantology and is currently pursuing an additional Master’s degree in Oral Surgery to further enhance his skill set. His clinical practice is primarily focused on dental implantology, with a particular expertise in complex procedures, including guided bone regeneration, block grafting, sinus lifts (both internal and external), and full arch implant surgery.

Outside of his professional life, Dr. Chan is an avid sports enthusiast with a keen interest in squash, badminton, swimming, and rock climbing. Additionally, he is passionate about music, both as a performer and listener, and frequently attends classical music concerts.

Tom Murphy

Tom Murphy Dr Tom Murphy's implant practice is focussed on more complex aspects of dental implantology, such as guided bone regeneration/block grafting/periodontal soft tissue grafting/ sinus lifts (internal and external) and with a heavy emphasis on full arch implant surgery. Regarding full arch surgery he is very experienced with immediate placement/immediate load surgeries, and is one of the few implant surgeons in Ireland that carries out extra-maxillary pterygoid implants, trans-sinus implants and zygomatic implants. 

Dr Tom Murphy was awarded a master’s degree with distinction in clinical implantology from the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan). Currently Dr Tom is now involved in lecturing for the UCLan Implantology MSc programme as well as lecturing across the UK and Ireland for various organisations, such as the Royal College of Surgeons England and the Association of Dental Implantology. In addition to this Dr Tom is involved with carrying out and publishing dental research.

17:00 Close

Plenary Programme

08:00 Registration - Teas/Coffee and Exhibition
08:59 Introduction - Moderator - Dr Koray Feran
09:00 Designing the Full Mouth Implant Rehabilitation – From FP1 to FP3

Treatment planning with implants in full arch edentulous cases is always challenging in implant dentistry. Although prosthetically driven implant placement started being implemented the last 2 decades, implant placement became more accurate with the use of Digital technology and guided implant surgery.

The advancements of materials like Zirconia, CAD software’s, face scanners and CAM procedures have simplified the treatment workflow resulting in more predictable results with significantly less complications.

This presentation will focus on the treatment methodology and workflow of the terminal dentition and edentulous cases with implants. CAD designs, surgical and prosthetic non-stackable and stackable guides and clinical procedures will be presented step by step. Furthermore, different options of the final restoration will be discussed in terms of CAM design and material choice.

Learning Objectives

  • Differentiate between FP1, FP2 and FP3 full arch implant restorations and adjust implant positions
  • Simplify guided implant placement procedures
  • Learn how the “PROSTHETIC GUIDE” for immediate loading can accelerate the treatment time
  • Get acquainted with different techniques and material options for the final restoration

Stavros Pelekanos

Stavros  PelekanosDr. Stavros Pelekanos received his undergraduate degree in Dentistry (D.D.S.) from the University of Athens, Greece. In 1993, he obtained his doctoral degree in Prosthodontics (Dr med dent) from the University of Freiburg (Prof. Dr. J.R. Strub), Germany. Following his professional training, Dr. Pelekanos established a private practice in Athens, oriented towards prosthodontics, implantology and esthetic dentistry.

In 2002, he was appointed full-time Lecturer at the Department of Prosthodontics, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece, and in 2012 Assistant Professor in the same department. Since 2013 he is an active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED). His professional affiliations include: The International College of Prosthodontics (ICP), European Prosthodontic Association (EPA), Greek Prosthodontic Association and many others. He is a faculty member of gIDE Institute (Global Institute of Dental Education, Los Angeles, California) lecturing internationally and performing hands on courses on implants, aesthetics and restorative procedures.

In 2008 and 2011, Dr Pelekanos received second and first prize at the scientific award competition of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry held in Madrid, Spain and Istanbul, Turkey respectively. To date he has published over twenty articles in peer reviewed journals and 3 chapters in books.

09:45 From Analog to Digital: Transforming AOX Through Advanced Digital Workflows

Historically there has always been one restorative Prosthodontic workflow to restore an AOX case.  Today, there are a remarkable amount of options, and these options continue to advance every day. 

Learn more about different types of workflows and systems used in digital record-taking and their individual benefits. How these workflows create a more efficient dental office and laboratory and the benefits to the patient. 

Learning Objectives

  • What system and workflow is currently the best in the industry?

  • How do these systems create more efficiency for the clinician and Laboratory?

  • Will using these systems guarantee precision?

Jack Marrano

Jack MarranoJack is the Director of Absolute Dental Services Signature Prosthetics Division in the Triangle region of North Carolina, Jack a former Marine, started his ceramics career in 2002. 

He managed the Implant, All Ceramic and PFM Divisions of MicroDental DTI. He was Director of technical Artistry for Lee Culp at Sculpture Studios Since 2014 before joining Absolute Dental Laboratory. He has completed courses on advanced implant restorative dentistry with Dr Carl Misch and has received a Fellowship from the Misch Institute as well as obtaining Fellowship and Mastership from the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. He is a member of the Academy of Osseointegration, the American College of Prosthodontists and the prestigious PEERS prosthodontic association. He was also named LMT magazine top 40 technicians in the US under 40. Over the years Jack has been an integral part in the research and development of many of today’s top restorative dental materials.  Jack is on the editorial advisor’s board for Dental Lab Products magazine and Spectrum Dialog magazine. Jack has studied and restored cases with many of the world’s top clinicians. In 2022 Jack received the NADL Excellence in education award as well as the Technician Leadership award from the American College of Prosthodontists. Today, he continues to work closely with Restorative Clinicians, Prosthodontists, University Graduate programs and faculty Practices from around the country. Jack is a KOL for top manufacturers and is faculty at the MOD Institute.  Jack can be contacted at

10:30 Teas/Coffee and Exhibition
11:00 IFFGM (Ideal Future Free Gingival Margin) The Reference for Aesthetic and Biological Implant Placement in Atrophic Ridges

In the conference, a systematic approach to implant rehabilitation in aesthetic areas will be evaluated, starting with the identification of the position of the incisal edge of the upper central incisor.

Subsequently, through an assessment of dental proportions, the ideal future free gingival margin will be determined. By localizing the ideal gingival margin and comparing it with the location in the specific existing clinical situation, various techniques will be identified to make our prosthetic-surgical approach predictable.

The conference will assess, through a series of step-by-step cases, from the ideal implant placement to surgical flap design and the management of hard and soft tissues in different clinical scenarios, ranging from the simplest situations to cases requiring vertical regeneration. In addition to the surgical approach, prosthetic sequences and materials will also be evaluated to achieve an optimal aesthetic result.

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify Key Reference Points for Aesthetic Implant Placement:
    Understand the importance of determining the incisal edge position of the upper central incisor as a reference for planning implant placement in aesthetic zones.

  2. Define and Apply the Concept of the Ideal Future Free Gingival Margin (IFFGM):
    Learn how to establish the IFFGM through the assessment of dental proportions and apply this concept to enhance predictability in prosthetic-surgical planning.

  3. Evaluate Surgical Techniques for Hard and Soft Tissue Management:
    Gain insights into various surgical approaches, including flap design and the management of hard and soft tissues, tailored to different clinical scenarios, from straightforward cases to those requiring vertical regeneration.

  4. Integrate Prosthetic Protocols and Material Selection for Optimal Aesthetics:
    Explore prosthetic workflows and material choices that complement surgical procedures to achieve predictable, long-lasting aesthetic outcomes in implant rehabilitation.

Francesco Mintrone

Francesco  MintroneDr Mintrone started his activity as a dental technician and then specialized as a ceramist in fixed prosthesis.
After graduating in Dentistry with honors at the University of Modena, Italy, he attended several courses on prosthetic dentistry and implant surgery. EAED active member.

Winner of the 2011 and 2012 editions of the Master Clinician in Implant Dentistry at the gIDE/ UCLA, he is Faculty member and chairman at the gIDE/LLU for the Esthetic/Implant Master Program in Europe, China and Vietnam.

He has authored several articles published on international scientific magazines and he lectures nationally and internationally on topics related to digital dentistry. implants and prosthodontics. He focuses his professional activity mainly on aesthetics and prosthetic rehabilitation on implants and natural dentition in his private practices in Modena,Italy.

11:45 Moderated Discussion
12:15 Poster Awards and Closing Ceremony
12:30 Close