08:00 |
Registration - Tea/Coffee & Exhibition
08:55 |
Introduction - Moderator - Dr Fazeela Khan-Osborne
09:00 |
Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration (IDR) Technique – Evolution to Revolution Single-tooth replacement in the esthetic zone has been one of the most common indications for dental implant placement. Compromised teeth are removed using atraumatic principles and immediately replaced by an implant-supported provisional restoration, with excellent esthetic, biological, and functional results.
However, in cases of compromised sites with bone loss/gingival recessions, the clinical scenario presents a different dilemma. Until now, all developed surgical recommendations required long-term treatment with possible undesirable complications in the tissue architecture.
The Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration (IDR) is a surgical and prosthetical technique established to broaden indications for immediate loading on individual teeth. In this way, tissue losses with varied extensions are reconstructed in the same surgical session of implant placement and provisional crown installation, reducing the number of interventions and keeping predictability on esthetic aspects. The IDR protocol was developed more than 18 years ago from the need to minimize the treatment time and morbidity of reconstructive procedures used in these cases.
In this lecture we discuss the scientific basis, the step-by-step technique, indications and also the main advancements of the technique in the last 10 years. The IDR technique, which advocates minimally invasive surgery, flapless procedures, is presented as a viable and reproducible alternative.
Learning Objectives
Explain the step-by-step, indications, and advantages of the IDR concept
Management of the graft from maxillary tuberosity and the 3-D reconstruction of hard and soft tissue damaged in post-extraction socket
Discuss on bone biology and IDR response
José Carlos Rosa 
- Graduation course in Dentistry, Federal University of Santa Maria – UFSM – Santa Maria/RS – Brazil, 1988
- Specialised course in Periodontics, Associação Paulista dos Cirurgiões-Dentistas – APCD – Bauru/SP – Brazil, 1991
- Specialised course and Master of Science in Prosthesis, CPO SLMandic – Center of Dental Research São Leopoldo Mandic – Campinas/SP – Brazil, 2005
- PhD in Implantology, CPO SLMandic – Center of Dental Research São Leopoldo Mandic – Campinas/SP – Brazil, 2014
- Developer of the Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration (IDR) technique
- Author of the book “Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration – Immediately loaded implants in compromised sockets” by Quintessence Publishing
- International Speaker at Congresses in more than 60 countries
- Private Practice, Caxias do Sul – RS – Brazil.
09:45 |
Implants in the Aesthetic Zone - Key Factors for Success High esthetic standards and a reduced duration of the overall treatment are the overarching tendencies in esthetic implantology nowadays. While these two concepts may appear contradictory, our main goal is to achieve the maximal aesthetic results within the shortest time frame possible.
This presentation will showcase the key factors for obtaining success in implant restorations in the esthetic zone and also a merger of concepts such as immediate implantation and guided implant placement with simple and complex situations of hard and soft tissue reconstruction in different types of bone and tissue deficiencies.
The presentation will facilitate gaining a perspective on the extent of the therapeutic interval in relation to the complexity of the clinical situation and also how to avoid esthetic complications.
Learning Objectives
- The participants will be able to evaluate single and multiple edentulous sites in the aesthetic zone
- The participants will be able to recognize the various types of alveolar ridge deficiencies and soft tissue defects and to decide on the appropriate surgical management of these clinical situations
- The participants will receive knowledge of the success criteria for implant restorations in the aesthetic area.
Cristian Dinu Cristian Dinu DMD, MD, MSc, PhD. Professor, Consultant in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Implantology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj-Napoca, Romania (2020-2024; 2024-2029). Master of Plastic Periodontal Surgery at University of Bologna (Director: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Zucchelli). Extensively lectures at several national (over 60 conferences) and international congresses of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral Implantology (over 50 conferences). Research member and coordinator in more than 23 European and national scientific projects. Received several prizes in national and international scientific events. Author and co-author of more than 120 papers in national and international journals. Co-author of 12 specialty books. Specific focus on plastic and reconstructive surgery, facial aesthetic surgery, reconstructive microsurgery, craniofacial trauma and malformations, salivary glands pathology, advanced oral implantology, and periodontology. Member of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Arbeitsgruppe fur Ostheosynthesefragen AOCMF, International Team for Implantology, etc.
10:30 |
Tea/Coffee and Exhibition
11:00 |
Esthetic Implant Dentistry: Planning and Execution The esthetic implant rehabilitation of patients with esthetically and functionally compromised dentition frequently involves a multidisciplinary approach. The achieving of esthetic objectives in multidisciplinary cases represents a considerable clinical challenge.
During recent years, treatment modalities and options have changed. From a surgical point of view, less invasive procedures are used in order to preserve soft tissue anatomy and minimize recession. Also the design of implants and prosthetic components has changed in order to minimize bone resorption and soft tissue alterations. This lecture will focus on a new surgical and prosthetic approach in difficult esthetic implant rehabilitations.
Learning Objectives
Understand the perio-prostho correlation in anterior implant restorations
Understand the use of connective tissue grafting
Understand the prosthodontic factors that influence long term soft tissue stability
Eric Van Dooren Dr. Eric Van Dooren attended the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, where he received his degree in dentistry in 1982. After graduating he opened a private practice in Antwerp, Belgium, which is limited to periodontics, fixed prosthodontics, and implants.
Currently Dr Van Dooren is a Visiting Professor at University of Liege ( Belgium) and University of Marseille . He is an active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry.
Dr Van Dooren lectures nationally and internationally , mainly on aesthetics,implants and aesthetic periodontal surgery.
11:45 |
Moderated Discussion
12:15 |
Lunch & Exhibition
13:14 |
Introduction - Moderator - Dr Martin Wanendeya
13:15 |
Root Shield: What We Know, What We Think We Know & What We Do Not Know
Minimizing soft and hard tissue architecture loss following immediate tooth replacement has been challenging. Various bone and soft tissue grafting techniques has been used to minimize tissue loss affecting esthetics with various success. Since 2020, a controversial treatment concept [root shield (leaving a root fragment during tooth extraction)] has been advocated to maintain soft and hard
This presentation will evaluate what we know, what we do not know and what we think we know about this controversial treatment concept more than a decade since its inception. Emphasis will be placed on diagnosis and treatment planning, surgical, prosthetic, and complication management of root shield
procedures during anterior immediate tooth replacement.
Learning Objectives
- Indications & Contraindications for root shield
- Surgical & Prosthetic rationale for root shield
- Complication managements for root shield
Joseph Kan Professor Joseph Kan received his Prosthodontic and Implant Dentistry training from Loma Loma University (LLU) in 1997. He is currently a Professor at LLU and also maintains a private practice.
He has received numerous awards and recognition throughout his career, including the 1997 Academy of Osseointegration (AO) Best Research Award, 2003 Judson Hinckey Scientific Award from the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry and the 2005 Robert James Implant Dentistry Award. In 2019 he was given Honorary Membership by the UK Association of Dental Implantology and received the LLU Distinguished Research Award and Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontist Distinguished Speaker Award in 2020. Most recently Prof. Kan received the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) Honorary Membership for contribution to the field of Periodontology as well as the Clinical Research Award in 2021.
He serves on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, and the Journal of Esthetics and Restorative Dentistry and was the Program Chairman for the 2018 AO Annual Meeting and is currently a member of the AO Executive Board of Directors. He performed a live surgery at the 104th AAP Annual meeting in 2018. In 2017, Fardi et al (Int J Maxillofac Implants), listed 4 of Prof. Kan’s publication as the Top 100 cited articles in Implant Dentistry. In 2020, Praveen G et al (J Prosthet Dent), cited 2 of Prof. Kan’s publications as the top 100 most cited articles in Prosthodontics. Besides lecturing nationally and internationally, Prof. Kan has published over 140 referenced articles and book chapters on interdisciplinary treatment planning, periodontal peri-implant tissue management, and immediate tooth replacement concepts.
14:00 |
The Fully Digital Implant Patient: The Easy; The Difficult As digital technology becomes more pervasive in everyday practice, there is an increased demand to apply it in ever more expanding clinical situations. This presentation will explore the full application of digital technology in the implant patient from initial diagnostics to the final restoration and explore their relative ease or difficulty of use in each area. This course will discuss digital workflow from start to finish including treatment planning with computer-guided software, guided implant placement, model scanning and restoration design.
Learning Objectives
Digital treatment protocols in contrast to traditional workflows
Understand digital technologies that enhance treatment outcomes and increase profitability
How to predictably implement and execute digital implant treatment plans in everyday clinical practice
Mark Ludlow Dr. Mark Ludlow is the Section Head of Implant Dentistry, Digital Dentistry, and Removable Prosthodontics at the University of Utah School of Dentistry. He completed his DMD dental training at the University of Connecticut and received his MS in prosthodontics from the University of North Carolina. As a practicing and teaching prosthodontist, Dr. Ludlow’s passion is in the development and integration of digital technology in the practice of everyday implant and restorative dentistry.
14:45 |
Tea/Coffee & Exhibition
15:15 |
Decision Making in Dental Implantology Implant therapy is a recognized treatment for edentulous areas with long term success. Nevertheless, in some critical situations we must use different techniques (treatment options) of advanced oral surgery and bone regeneration to allow the implant placement avoiding the damage of important anatomical structures, like the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) or the maxillary sinus.
In severe cases of atrophic jaws, we must use very specific techniques to solve the clinical cases, like short or tilted implants or even more advanced techniques like extensive GBR (bone blocks, sinus lift and filling), inferior alveolar nerve lateralization, transposition or trespass. Is also very important to know how to deal and solve complications when treating challenging cases.
One of the goals of the lecture is to explain the different treatment options with oral implants in demanding cases of atrophic jaws and to use some state-of-the-art techniques to help solving some challenging cases with predictable results.
The other goal of the lecture is to create awareness of the objective criteria (ISQ, Torque, Bone density) that should be used to choose the right loading protocol (immediate, early or delayed) in all the rehabilitation situations, including the most demanding ones. Also, the more subjective factors, must be taken in consideration, to take the right decision and having long term predictable results.
Learning Objectives
Enumerating the different options to avoid or manipulate the inferior alveolar nerve for implant placement
To explain summarily the different techniques to avoid or graft the pneumatized maxillary sinus
Knowing the Criteria for predictable loading protocols for single and multiple splinted implants
Which objective and subjective factors should be taken in consideration to choose the loading protocol
Raquel Gomes Dr Gomes is a Dental Medical Doctor by the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the University of Oporto (FMDUP) (1996-2002), post-graduation in Implantology in Sweden (Bränemark Institute in Gothenburg and Maxilla-Facial Surgery Ward at Västerås Hospital), has a specialization course in Implantology by FMDUP (2003-2006), a Master's Degree in Implantology by FMDUP (MsC), a PhD degree in the field or Oral Surgery /Implantology at FMDUP (2013-2018) and is a oral surgeon (specialist in oral surgery) by the Portuguese Dental Medical Association (OMD).
Dr Gomes is the opinion leader of Riiter academy, Bredent Medical Group, MINEC (Megagen International Network of Education and Clinical Research) active member, KOL of Osteobiol Biomaterials, KOL of T-scan (digital assessment of occlusion) , KOL of Osstell, IFZI (Prof.Lang) academy auxiliar instructor, Active member of BBB (Bone, Biomaterials and Beyond) Academy, ambassador of the Clean Implant Foundaton, MINEC ambassador and expert on Dental XP, Oralsurgerytube, MINEC and Dentinaltubules educational platforms
Dr Gomes is an invited External Teacher at Master and Specialization Course of Oral Rehabilitation (CESPU University, Portugal). Invited lecturer at Upenn (University of Pennsylvania, USA), private practices in Portugal dedicated exclusively to Implantology, advanced oral surgery and rehabilitation, a mentor of professional group Follow the RED (dedicated to oral surgery), International leader of the “Divas in Dentistry Project” and “Leading Ladies in Dentistry” Association. Chairwomen of WOW (Women of Wisdom), reviewer of Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research journal, BMC Oral Health and IJERPH. Editorial board of International Growth Factor and Stem Cells in Dentistry journal and author and co-author of several articles and chapters of books in the Dentistry Field.
Dr Gomes is also a speaker in more than 35 countries and listed in the Top 100 dentists in the World 2020 by the Global Interdisciplinary Institute
16:00 |
The Ultimate Full Arch Digital Challenge: Navigation, Image Guided Photogrammetry Impression and FP1 Natural Prosthesis Dynamic Navigation leads guided surgery and immediate loading to the highest level of accuracy, reliability, and predictability, for the treatment of complex scenarios as total edentulous and terminal dentition patients. New algorithms enhance the decision making and the accurate execution of a personalized prosthetically and soft tissue driven implant positioning, making more predictable in the daily basis the immediate delivery of digitally designed FP1 prosthesis emulating the natural dentition without any pink supportive interface. A step-by-step evidence-based dissertation of all the digital, surgical and prosthetic aspects will characterize the overall lecture and drive the attendees to understand the ultimate digital, surgical and prosthetic protocols, materials and technologies
Learning Objectives
- Guidelines on FP1 vs All-on-X belonging from 15 years of follow-up will be shared with the attendees
- Increasing confidence on Advanced Digital Planning Protocols based on Ai driven segmentation
- Learning advanced Navigation Surgery and immediate loading protocols
- Discern the pros and cons of Full arch implant impression with different digital technologies: IOS, Photogrammetry, Navigation Photogrammetry, IOS-Photogrammetry
- Definitive Full arch Prostheses with Zirconia and Zirconia-titanium based prostheses
Alessandro Pozzi Prof Alessandro Pozzi DDS PhD has been in practice since 1997. Specialist in Oral Surgery, Specialist in Orthodontics and TMJ dysfunctions. He’s licensed by the Italian General Dental Council and by the UK General Dental Council. Clinical Researcher and Professor at University of Rome Tor Vergata. Lecturer, Department of Restorative & Biomaterials Sciences, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, USA. Adjunct Clinical Professor Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry. Adjunct Associate Professor at Goldstein Center for Esthetics and Implant Dentistry, Augusta University USA. Pozzi Institute Rome Italy. Entitled with the Fellowship status of the Academy of Osseointegration (AO) for his commitment to the field of Osseointegration. In the 2023 he achieved the Dual-Specialist Diploma in Surgical and Prosthetic Implant Dentistry, Academy of Osseointegration (AO). In 2024, he has been accepted as Associate Member of the American Academy Esthetic Dentistry. Dr Pozzi is widely published, and international awards winner for his clinical research. Besides lecturing internationally, he is the founder of the Pozzi Institute in Rome, one of few qualified international centers that meet Academy Osseointegration’s strict academic and clinical criteria, where he has been training colleagues from all over the world. He is recognized as a global expert in digital implant dentistry and advanced technologies, as navigation and robotics, focusing on the surgical and prosthetic aspects of the full arch digital treatment with FP1 and AllonX protocols. Instagram @profpozzi Facebook @alessando.pozzi.184
16:45 |
Moderated Discussion
17:15 |