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Essex Study Club

23 May 2024
Dr Peter Bujtar - Dental CT: The Challenges And How To Deal With The Grey Matter. Dr Saleh Aria - Minimally Invasive Immediate Implant Placement with Immediate Loading

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Presented by: Dr Peter Bujtar and Dr Saleh Aria
Host: Abdul Zidan
Date: 23 May 2024
Time: 1900 Refreshments 1930 Lecture
Location: The Harrow Dental Practice, Implant and Education Centre, Hornchurch, Essex, RM11 1TP

Dental CT is often referenced as CBCT as a simplified in office tomograph for 3d, for in depth dental patient analysis. The information compared to OPT has advantages, however the radiation exposure makes us to justify the timing, quantity and quality.

Current standards, as ALARA, IRMER, SADENTEXCT do make suggestions, however every case is different. Risk assessment, understanding high risk cases and as part of the consent process the more data we have, the more likely we can make a better decision, perhaps.  Or this is what our advisors keep telling us. Following introduction of the known standards, though cases, the importance of CBCT will be demonstrated.

While often CT is performed for a single reason, it can open up a significant amount of new issues:

  • Exposure parameters
  • Who to do the scan? (surgical or restorative discipline), who is the 1st
  • Who should report or re-report, can we trust it ?
  • Depth and format of reporting
  • Predictability of the values in the grey zone
  • Interpretation on general and multidisciplinary, specialist, senior or expert level
  • Communication of findings and translation to action (direct and onward referrals)

In conclusion, the dental CT as a descriptive modality has changed the dental records, planning, ever more human input is required with more time to oversee many automatic processes. The strain of time, professional education, delegation in the business environment need to well considered. The lecture will help you to decide if a CT is the modality of choice for given cases though examples.


Dr Peter BuJTAR

Peter has a near 20 year extensive experience of maxillofacial, oral and reconstructive facial surgery; dealt with 1000s of dental and non- dental implants, over the years including the many engineering aspects of challenges. Peter is a GDC and GMC specialists.

Peter is a medical doctor and also a dentist, studies also bioengineering followed on with an academic degree (PhD) in mandible surgery/reconstruction, CT quality assessment including the mechanics of titanium implants and bone. His training involved education in Hungary, Budapest at the Semmelweis University, Freiburg / Germany, Montpellier / France, Oulu / Finland, Oslo/ Norway, and more recently Peter underwent further training in the UK over a 10 years period with some of the most prestigious institutes and regional and supra-regional fellowships.

Peter is a specialist oral/maxillofacial surgeon, a Fellow to / of the British and European (Cranio-)Maxillofacial Societies, also holding board certification in his speciality.


Dr Saleh Aria

Dr Aria qualified in Stockholm Sweden and has been practicing in the UK since 1999. He has been the Principal Dentist at The Harrow Dental Practice since 2001.

He is a forward-thinking clinician who enjoys continually learning and has obtained his MSc in Dental implants and Dental lasers. 

He is a member of The Association of Dental Implantologists (ADI), International team of implantology (ITI), The British Dental Association (BDA), World Clinical Laser Institute (WCLI) and The International Society of Laser Dentistry (ISLD).

He has extensive knowledge in Dental implants, bone/ridge augmentation, soft tissue management around teeth and implants and sinus floor elevation and has completed many cases over the years.

Straumann awarded him gold member status for his dental implant achievements, and he is a keynote speaker for Neoss Dental implant system which discusses bone augmentation and laser assisted implant placement especially for medically compromised patients.

Since completing his MSc in dental lasers Dr Aria has completed numerous different procedures using the laser from laser assisted endodontics, Dental Laser assisted implant placement specially for medically compromised patients, periodontal/peri-implantitis treatment and many more. He is passionate about the benefits of using the dental laser and is eager to educate and share these benefits with his peers.

Dr Aria is keen to share his knowledge and experience with his peers and lectures Nationally and Internationally.


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