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Diseases Technical Complications

We are pleased to provide this new Gateway online resource for the whole dental community, to facilitate access to relevant evidence-based research needed to answer important clinical questions.

Led by Professor Nikos Donos, ADI Academic Representative, a team of clinical academics and experienced clinicians has reviewed the outputs from recent consensus conferences organised by organisations such as EAO, ITI, EFP, the Osteology Foundation, AAP and AO, to provide a gateway to the resulting published consensus documents on the topics of Peri-implant Mucositis, Peri-implantitis and Technical Complications.

The team has produced clinically relevant questions for each topic – for example, for Peri-implant Mucositis – ‘How common is peri-implant mucositis’, ‘How do we diagnose peri-implant mucositis’ and ‘How do we treat peri-implant mucositis’ – and has sourced a list of published consensus documents relevant to each question. Similarly, the team has produced a set of keywords for each topic and has sourced a list of published consensus documents relevant to each keyword.

We provide what we hope you will find to be an easy to use online tool to identify the published consensus documents for these topics, questions and keywords. A link is provided for each consensus document taking you to the article on the journal website. Many of these journal articles are open access so can be readily accessed and saved.

The ADI plans to develop this resource to cover additional key topics in implant dentistry, and will also update existing sections to reflect the publication of papers from future consensus conferences.

To hear more from Nikos Donos about this new initiative, go to our News article.

The ADI would like to express its gratitude to Professor Donos and the team who undertook this work – from left to right: Nikos Gkranias, Phil Freiberger, Elena Calciolari, Nikos Tatarakis, Nikos Mardas, Eddie Scher, Nikos Donos, Eimear O’Connell, Amit Patel, Abigail Haviland (staff), Pynadath George, Tim Hogan (staff).