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ADI Public Benefit Statement

ADI’s charitable objects as stated in its Articles of Association are “To advance education in the field of dental implantology for the benefit of the public”, and ADI has the following charitable purposes:

·      Advancement of education

·      Advancement of health or saving of lives

Advancement of health

A dental implant is an artificial replacement for a tooth root, usually made from titanium. The main aim during the placement of any implant is to achieve immediate close contact with the surrounding bone. Over time further growth of bone onto the implant surface enhances the stability of the implant. In order to support replacement teeth, dental implants normally have some form of internal screw thread or post space that allows a variety of components to be fitted. Once fitted, these components provide the foundation for long-term support of crowns, bridges or dentures.

Dental implantology is the field of dentistry covering the placement, restoration and maintenance of dental implants. It continues to gain recognition in mainstream dentistry as it is no longer acceptable for edentulous patients simply to be offered dentures to replace missing teeth, since for patients with broken or missing teeth dental implants can offer important advantages over dentures or bridges, such as prevention of bone loss and preservation of the facial structure. 

Advancement of education

ADI seeks to educate the public about the potential benefits of dental implants. 

ADI seeks to communicate with members of the public both directly and through the dental professionals which make up the ADI’s membership. The patient website was launched in January 2015, and the 16-page booklet ‘Considering Dental Implants? A Patient’s Guide to Dental Implant Treatment’, has been distributed widely in the UK (ADI was pleased to offer 50 free patient information leaflets to members in 2018). Members of the public regularly call the ADI office for information. 

In 2016, ADI Committee formed its Public Awareness Sub-committee, whose main remit is to develop and oversee programmes of activity that will increase awareness (by both the public and the dental profession as a whole) of dental implants as an alternative to other treatment options, and to increase understanding of the benefits of dental implantology. 

Every dental professional must be able to provide information to their patients on dental implants as a possible treatment option, and one of ADI’s key roles is to advance the education of dental professionals in the field of implant dentistry. As dental professionals increase their surgical skills and knowledge, patients will benefit with increased access to quality care at a local level. 

ADI contributes to education in the field by organising educational events (regional Study Clubs, Masterclasses, Focus meetings, Members’ National Forums and Team Congresses) and by facilitating mentoring through the ADI Register of Mentors. As a membership organisation, ADI provides a forum for discussion and sharing of information via the ADI Members’ Facebook Group. ADI’s events and other educational activities are discussed in the Activities section of the Trustees’ Report below.

ADI is a totally impartial organisation, with no commercial allegiances, and hence ADI is respected as a source of unbiased information. ADI also acts as a portal to events and courses provided by other organisations through the online Events & Courses Calendar.

Hence, in line with its charitable purposes, ADI advances health through its activities dedicated to advancing education for both the public and dental professionals in the field of dental implantology, as dental implants in many cases offer patients advantages compared to traditional methods of treatment. Through advancing education, ADI will contribute to increasing public awareness of the potential benefits of dental implants and to increasing the availability of dental implant treatment and the standard at which it is delivered. 

ADI Committee has regard to the Charity Commission’s public benefit guidance when exercising any powers or duties to which the guidance is relevant.