ADI Governance

The Association for Dental Implantology Limited (ADI)is a company registered in England and Wales with registration number 2260991 and registered office at c/o TC Group, The Granary, Hones Yard, 1 Waverley Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU9 8BB, and a charity registered in England and Wales and having a charity number 800238.
Our governing document is our Articles of Association.
We are administered by a nationally elected body of trustees (the Committee), all of whom are Dentists, Dental Care Professionals or Dental Technicians who have volunteered their time to meet regularly in order to develop and implement the strategy of the ADI. The Board meets on average four times a year.
Board elections for most roles take place every three years, and members are encouraged both to provide self-nominations and to vote in the relevant ballots. See the Trustee Election Regulations for further details.