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A - Z Guide for Exhibitors

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z


All the entrances are fully ramped and accessible. The Brighton Centre is accessible to wheelchair users via both ramps and lifts.


It is not possible to include any publicity or advertising material on seats in lecture rooms or catering areas. All publicity literature or sample material must be distributed strictly within the confines of the exhibition stand.

Admission to Plenary Programme

Providing space is available in the main auditorium, access for stand personnel wearing Congress name badges will be possible. 

We ask that the stand personnel remain seated for the duration of the session, and only move during scheduled catering breaks, to ensure there is no disruption to speakers and delegates. 


Written requests must be submitted at least two months prior to the Congress in order to gain consent for any animal (except assistance animals), wild or domestic, to be permitted on the premises.

Audio Visual Services  

Download the Audio Visual Order Form and complete by Tuesday 2 April 2025.


The Exhibition Hall will be open to exhibitors and their contractors on Wednesday 30 April 2025 for stand building and dressing, timings as follows:

Build contractors for space-only stands  08:00-20:00

Exhibitor personnel for stand dressing   14:00-20:00

The Exhibition Hall will be open to exhibitors on Wednesday 30 April 2025 for stand dressing only, timings as follows:

Exhibitor personnel for stand dressing   14:00-20:00

During build-up, the venue health & safety requirements are for hi-vis waistcoat or jacket and appropriate footwear must be worn at all times.

All stands must be dressed by 11:00 on Thursday 1 May 2025, ready for Exhibition opening at 12:00 on Thursday 1 May 2025 when delegates will be registering for the Congress and refreshments will be served in the Exhibition Hall.

Build Contractors (space only)

Space-only exhibitors are required to complete the Build Contractor Form and return by Monday 17 February 2025 with details of the contractor who will be responsible for supervising the build. The contractor may need to be contacted directly by the ADI regarding the stand build.

Build contractors will need to submit proof of £5,000,000 minimum public liability insurance (copy of a certificate valid for event period), detailed plans of the exhibition space-only stand including 3D technical plan drawing, method statement and risk assessment sheet on behalf of the company to the ADI no later than Monday 17 February 2025. These documents will need to be approved by the Organizer’s Health and Safety Advisor and the venue. 


The removal of any materials or exhibits and the dismantling of any stands cannot commence before the official break-down time of the Exhibition at 13:00 on Saturday 3 May 2025.

Contractors should be briefed to come after this time. During break-down, the venue health & safety requirements are for hi-vis waistcoat or jacket and appropriate footwear to be worn at all times.

Please note that all stands must be removed and collections made by 20:00 on Saturday 3 May 2025. Any items left are not the venue's responsibility and will be disposed of by the venue. Any costs incurred by the Organizer or the venue in disposing of any left over items shall be paid by the Exhibitor on demand. 


The whole Exhibition Hall will be carpeted in light grey tiles. Space only stand exhibitors should let ADI know in advance if tiles are to be removed or replaced.

It is not permitted to lay carpet directly on top of carpet. For alternative carpet colours or for alternative flooring please ensure orders are placed through the official furniture contractor Europa International. 

Please note, only floor tapes approved by the venue must be used in the Exhibition Hall, such as Sellotape Double Grip 4415 and Stikatak B7 Exhibition Tape.


Exhibiting company stand personnel will be entitled to complimentary tea/coffee during the Congress breaks (see Congress Programme on the Congress website for timings of delegate catering breaks).

Refreshments will be served from approximately 30 minutes prior to the programmed breaks:

Thursday 1 May 2025 – Exhibitors 

Friday 2 May 2025 – Exhibitors 


Saturday 3 May 2025 – Exhibitors


Catering on stand

Any food or beverage served on stands can be purchased via the caterer at The Brighton Centre.

Please submit your order by Monday 27 March 2023.

Enquiries can be sent to

Please note, exhibitor-sponsored private functions must be held during the Congress scheduled catering breaks, and must be within the confines of the stand. 

Any exhibitor-sponsored private functions between 0800 on Thursday 1 May 2025 and midnight on Friday 3 May 2025 but outside of the Congress opening hours must be approved by the ADI as this may affect the Congress social events. Please ensure you contact the ADI office directly at the earliest opportunity. 


Basic cleaning of the stands and aisles is included; this covers removal of waste and the vacuuming of areas available (night sheets will not be removed). This will take place during the event and the venue’s team will be working through the night to ensure the hall is ready for the next day.

Delegate List

Each exhibiting company will be provided with delegate postal addresses no later than 5 working days after the Congress. Please note that delegates at the point of Congress booking may decide not to opt in to provide consent for their postal addresses to be supplied to exhibiting companies.

Deliveries and Collections 

All deliveries to ICC Birmingham will be accepted from 08:00 on Tuesday 3 May 2023. Please ensure that all packages are clearly marked with the following:

Company Contact Name and Mobile Number
Company Name / Stand Number

Exhibition/ADI Team Congress 2025
Foyer/Meeting Room 1
Kings Road
East Sussex

If you need to deliver prior to this time, we recommend that you contact the appointed official logistics contractor, Index Logistics who can store items onsite and then deliver them to the Exhibition Hall when your build commences.

All collections will need to be made before 23:00 on Saturday 3 May 2025.
If you are unable to schedule a collection during the specified times, Index Logistics can store items until they can be picked up. 

Please see details for Index Logistics under Logistics.

Please note that it is the exhibiting company’s responsibility to undertake all administration related to getting their overseas deliveries through customs.

Electrical Contractor 

Index Group 
Unit X1 Claybrooks Court
Herald Way Binley Industrial Estate
Coventry CV3 2NY
t: 0800 085 9885 

Index is the appointed official electrical contractor for the 2023 Congress Exhibition. Index will supply two spotlights and one 500w power socket for shell stands - these are included in the cost of the stand.

Space-only exhibitors must order all electrical requirements including lighting directly from Index.

Additional power sockets together with any extra lighting services must be ordered directly from Index.

Download the Electrical Order Form and complete by Tuesday 2 April 2025.

Floor Plan

ADI reserves the right to make adjustments to the floor plan in advance of the Congress. The current floor plan is available to view as part of the information for Exhibitors on the Congress website.


Furniture Contractor 

Europa International
Europa House
Meaford Way
London SE20 8RA
t: 020 8676 0062 

Europa International is the appointed official furniture contractor for the 2023 Congress Exhibition. A full list of equipment is available from their website.

No furniture is provided on your stand, this will need to be purchased in advance from Europa International. 

To order any furniture, please download the form here and send this to Europa International directly by Wednesday 3 April 2023.

Hands-on Workshops

Hands-on workshop are being run by exhibiting companies on Thursday 1 May 2025. The hands-on workshop will be run at 09:30 – 12:30 for delegates.

All hands-on workshop rooms have now been allocated on a first come, first served basis.

The room will be provided with basic AV. The Exhibitor is wholly responsible for devising and delivering their hands-on workshop, including the provision of workshop speakers and staff, set-up of the workshop room, and delivery and disposal of workshop materials. ADI will deal with delegate bookings and will provide details of workshop delegates in advance of the meeting.

The ratio of time in the workshop between hands-on and lecture content is to be at least 75:25. ADI reserves the right to decline a workshop booking application should this deadline not be met or should it deem the proposed workshop not to be suitable for the Congress.

Attendance at hands-on workshops is limited to Congress delegates. Delegates will be able to book to attend hands-on workshops at the point when delegate booking opens. The Organiser will retain all delegate booking fees.

Exhibitors are wholly responsible for providing any necessary PPE to their workshop participants and should instruct delegates in advance if they need to bring any of their personal equipment, e.g. loupes.

The Exhibitor must provide a risk assessment to the Organizer no later than Monday 17 February 2025.

Exhibitors are required to contact the official Congress suppliers for their electrical, furniture, refrigeration and additional catering and AV requirements for hands-on workshops.

Exhibitors will have access to their hands-on workshop room for set-up between 14:00 and 21:00 on Wednesday 29 April 2025, by which time set-up must be completed.

Exhibitors will be wholly responsible for issuing CPD certificates to delegates who attend their hands-on workshops.

The Exhibitor is wholly responsible for decontamination of materials and for returning the workshop room to its original state.

Break-down must be completed and the room vacated by 22:00 on Thursday 1 May 2025.

Health and Safety

All exhibitors must comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and any regulations made thereunder. Exhibiting companies must complete and return the Health and Safety Declaration Form by Monday 24 March 2025.

Please note that companies who fail to complete and return the Health and Safety Declaration will not be able to exhibit at the Congress and that stand fees are not refundable.

ADI will liaise further with all exhibitors/hands-on workshop organisers regarding H&S closer to the event. (We will be arranging a pre-Congress online H&S induction for all contractors.)


Exhibitors are responsible for the security of their own stand, samples, exhibits, and for their own appropriate insurance cover for build-up and break-down days in addition to the exhibition open days.

Internet Access 

Free Wi-Fi is available at 5Mbps. Exhibitors will be provided with an Access Code at registration from Wednesday 30 April 2025. 

For anything onsite, you can visit the concierge desk in the venue foyer who will contact a member of the venue’s IT team.

Licences (copyright)

Any exhibitor who wishes to have any type of pre-recorded, video or live music on their stand, for which they do not have copyright permission to use, must contact PPL/PRS to apply for the appropriate licences:

PPL Licence 
t: 020 7534 1000

PRS Licence
t: 020 7580 5544


Unloading and loading may only be carried out in designated areas clear of the public highway. The ICC and ADI cannot authorise vehicles to wait or unload in contravention of local road traffic regulations. The Customer will provide vehicle registration details to the ADI by emailing for Bay Management a week prior to the event. All loading/unloading passes are issued by the ICC and must clearly be displayed in the vehicle windscreen. Drivers of vehicles without passes should contact ADI before arrival, in order for loading/ unloading arrangements to be made.


Index Logistics
Unit 9, Stort Valley Industrial Estate
Stansted Road
Bishop Stortford
Hertfordshire CM23 2TU

t: 020 8016 7148

Index Logistics is the appointed official logistics contractor for the 2025 Congress Exhibition. Index logistics offer the following services:

Air, sea, road and courier

Customs clearance

Pre and post show warehousing

Fork lifting on-site during build-up and break-down

Empty case storage

Please contact Index Logistics directly for any requirements by Tuesday 4 April 2023.


Name Badges 

Exhibitors are expected to ensure that the number of stand personnel is appropriate to the size of their stand.  For guidance, the following has worked well previously:

12sqm Space-only - six stand personnel at any one time 

9sqm Shell Stand - three stand personnel at any one time

6sqm Shell Stand - two stand personnel at any one time

ADI reserves the right to request a reduction in stand personnel if necessary to manage overcrowding.

Name badges must be requested in advance for admission to the venue during the Congress. Please complete the name of every stand personnel who will require access by completing online the Name Badge Form by Tuesday 2 April 2025. 

Please note, any dental professionals whom you wish to be included on your list of stand personnel must be booked as delegates for the full duration of the Congress. 

Keep a copy for your own records. If you need to make amendments prior to the Congress, please advise the ADI for badge reissue prior to the Congress.

Badges can be collected from the ADI Registration Desk during Exhibition Registration on Thursday 4 May 2023 from 08:00.

Stand personnel must wear the name badges provided by ADI at all times on site during the Congress.

Noise Levels

Exhibitors must advise the ADI at least two months in advance if amplified sound is intended to be played on the stand. The ADI reserves the right to ask an exhibitor to reduce the noise levels from amplified sound on their stand if this is inconveniencing other exhibitors or delegates. If the issue is not rectified, the Organizer reserves the right to ask the Exhibitor to switch off the amplified sound.

Opening Timings

Exhibition opening timings will be as follows:

Thursday 1 May 2025      12:00-17:30

Friday 2 May 2025      08:00-17:30

Saturday 3 May 2025  08:00-12:00

Stands must be open for viewing and staffed during these hours.

Packing Cases

Packing cases and boxes must not be left visible on stands, nor can they or any other article be placed or stored in gangways at any time during the build-up period, or during exhibition open hours or overnight. Any costs incurred by the Organiser in removing or storing items and cleaning gangways shall be paid by the Exhibitor to the Organizer on demand. There are no storage facilities on-site.


Brighton is a green city and as much as possible we encourage you to take advantage of the fantastic access by rail into the city. However, if this is not possible there are several multi-level car parks located near to the Brighton Centre including Churchill Square and The Regency Square Car park.

Photography, filming and mobile phones

The ADI has appointed an official photographer to take photos and a film crew to do filming for the ADI during the open days of the Congress.

Exhibitors must not take photographs or make audio or video recordings in the auditorium or other meeting rooms during Congress sessions. 

Exhibitors must not include delegates in any photographs, audio recordings or video recordings on their Exhibition stands, without first having obtained permission from the delegates concerned. 

Mobile phones must be switched off whilst in the main auditorium, to ensure there is no disruption to speakers and delegates.

Presentations on stands

Exhibitors may give presentations on their stands during the scheduled catering breaks. Any Exhibitor wishing to do so is requested to submit full details of the presentations including timings to the Organiser before Monday 17 February 2025 for approval. Please also note the information under Noise Levels below.

The safety of delegates requiring access through the gangways must not be compromised and the Exhibitor must manage crowd control appropriately. ADI reserves the right to stop a presentation if in its view the presentation is proving disruptive to the Exhibition.

Note that any companies organising lectures or social events at a Manchester venue, which coincide with any of the Congress lectures or hands-on workshops, will not be allowed to participate in the Congress Exhibition and that stand fees are not refundable.


All stand personnel will be required to register and collect their name badge on arrival. Congress badges must be worn throughout the whole Congress.

Scanning Delegates

Exhibitors will be given a barcode scanner system, to scan the badges of those delegates attending their Exhibition stand who provide their consent to be scanned upon registration. Please do not scan the badge of a delegate without first obtaining their permission to do so.

Shell Stand Contractor and Services 

Index Group 
1 Lomax Street
Manchester M26 1PX
t: 0800 085 9885 

Index is the appointed official stand contractor for the 2023 Congress Exhibition. Index will construct the SUPERIOR FITZiN shell stand according to the approved floor plan.

Index will supply one LED Nameboard for shell stand – which is included in the cost of the stand.

Download the Nameboard Order Form (compulsory for all shell stands) and the Additional Standfitting Order Form (optional) by Tuesday 4 April 2023.

Shell Stand Dimension

Dimensions and further layout information for the SUPERIOR FITZIN Shell Stands can be found by clicking on each of these links:

9sqm corner stand - 3m wide x 3m deep       

6sqm corner stand - 3m wide x 2m deep 

Social Events

Industry Party

Thursday 1 May 2025 19:00-22:00

The Brighton Centre

Congress Dinner – A Night Of Regency Royalty

Friday 2nd May 2023 19:30-01:00
The Hilton Brighton

Please complete online Congress Dinner Booking Form for stand personnel who wish to attend by Friday 28 March 2025.

Tickets cost £120.00 (inclusive of VAT) per person and must be purchased in advance. The ADI will invoice for tickets. 

Black tie dress code. No tickets will be sold on-site. 

Stand Construction

Non-combustible material only shall be used in the construction of display units and all materials must be flame proofed in accordance with local authority regulations.

For shell stands, no structure or display provided by an exhibitor may exceed 2.4 metres to accord with the height of the shell stand. For space-only stands, no structure or display provided by an exhibitor may exceed 4 metres to accord with the height of the space-only stand. No fascia, partition, structure, board or sign may be erected which the Organizer considers will dominate, screen or obscure the view of other stands or which will exceed the allocated boundaries of a stand.

For shell stands: It is not permitted to convert a shell stand to a space only stand. Exhibitors with shell scheme stands must not extend their stands beyond the boundaries of the shell scheme provided. It is not permitted to have any element of the shell scheme removed (this is to ensure stability of the shell scheme structures and also to ensure consistency throughout the event). Raised floors are not permitted on shell scheme stands, and it is not permitted to lay carpet directly on top of carpet.


There is no arrangement for on-site storage. Please ensure all packaging is removed during build-up and break-down.


Click here for more information about travelling to Brighton Centre.

Vehicles in the Hall

Exhibitors must seek the ADI’s approval by Friday 21 February 2025 if intending to display a vehicle on their stand. Please read and complete the Vehicle Sign-off Form and email to  


It is not permitted for any exhibitor or contractor to leave any unwanted displays or material of any kind when leaving the site at the end of build-up or break-down. Any costs incurred by ADI in the removal and disposal of items left on site will be recharged to the exhibitor.