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Cadaver training with the Bone Truss Bridge

25 June 2025 9:00AM – 5:30PM

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Date: 25 June 2025 9:00AM – 5:30PM
Location: Coventry

Organised by: Dr Henri Diederich of Cortically Fixed Academy
Phone: 02036336150

Further details about this event

Learn the Bone Truss Bridge (BTB) protocols, including Pterygoid and trans-nasal implant placement. This hands-on cadaver training guides you through every step for successful application of BTB protocols, from precise implant placement to impression and prosthetics.

Aims & Objectives


Provide the Practitioners with the following:

i. Deep understanding of both the Anatomy of the Pterygoid and nasal regions
ii. Understand the application of compressive implants in Bone Truss Bridge (BTB)
iii. To perform the placement of the Pterygoid and Trans-Nasal Implants in a cadaver, as part of mastering the application of Bone Truss Bridge protocols.
iii. To comprehend the impression procedure for the BTB protocols using both analog and digital techniques.
iv. Gain a deep understanding of the bridge for the application of BTB and the respective lab application.

Event Content

Day 1

1. Anatomy of the Pterygoid region and Nasal cavity.
- Placement technique of the Pterygoid Implant
2. Review of the CBCT scan and its role in dental implant dentistry.
3. Review of the Sinus lift, indications and outcomes.
4. The Bone Truss Bridge approach, no sinus lift, no bone grafting, no zygoma. Rehabilitation of the atrophied maxilla.
5. Overdentures in the atrophied bone. Unilateral and bilateral rehabilitations in maxilla and mandible, by immediate loading or delayed loading
Day 2

1. Demonstration of BTB on plastic model using Implants
2. Fresh frozen cadaver training
3. Learning the Pterygoid implant placement
4. Learning the trans-nasal implant placement
5. Exploring the Bichats Fat Pad and potential application to cover the buccal Sinus Communication.
6. Exploring the Maxilla Artery
7. Consideration and review of the BTB lab bridge


Bone Truss Bridge (BTB) approach in dental implantology

1. The BTB technique provides superior stability by leveraging strategic implant placement such as the Pterygoid
and Trans-nasal implants.

2. Utilizing existing anatomical structures such as Pterygoid plates and nasal floor, the BTB approach often eliminates or significantly reduces the need for bone grafting.

3. Efficient design and placement techniques with BTB protocols streamline the procedure, reducing surgical time and promoting quicker recovery.

4. The BTB approach is particularly beneficial for patients with severe bone loss or challenging anatomical conditions, offering a reliable solution where traditional implants techniques might not be feasible.

Resulting Qualification


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