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Modernise your approach to implantology

It is easy to point out the many negatives about our social media usage, in particular, how much of our life is spent online and what we could be doing instead. In the UK, 56.2 million people spend 1 hour and 49 minutes every day on the major social media platforms, with the high number driven by contacting family and friends (55.4%) and filling in spare time (40%).[i]

Like many individuals and companies in the 21st century, dentists and dental practices can use social media as a tool to help grow their personal profile and business. From networking to promotion and research, the benefits of constructively using social media are many.


Connecting online

Networking is a useful component for a successful and long-lasting career. In a profession that can be as intense as dentistry, having strong relationships with other professionals can be a great source of support. This could range from discussing a patient’s unique problem or having a more emotional conversation around the current challenges or stressors in your workflow. With social media, connecting with others has never been easier.

By accessing online groups and pages dedicated to oral health, you can find and connect with other dentists in an educational setting. Through engaging with others, you can gain a better understanding of the industry by staying up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements and identifying the products and services that other dentists may recommend or not. Social media comment sections and private messaging facilities on these online groups and pages will allow you to hear the experiences of other dentists around the country – you may realise that you are not alone dealing with certain workplace challenges.

A knowledgeable community will enhance your professional life, helping you discover new opportunities for growth and to advance your career. Some of these opportunities may be dental events and conferences, often promoted on social media, in which you can network face-to-face, sharing ideas or troubleshooting difficult cases. With social media, you can coordinate with other professionals online for meeting them at these events; some dentists may feel trepidation about attending without knowing many people and social media can bring people together and break the ice beforehand.


Reaching around the world

The power of social media is in its global reach, with 63.7% of the world’s population considered a social media user.[ii] For dentists looking to connect online, it is therefore recommended to join local, national and international dental organisations, groups and pages.[iii] Doing so will expand your knowledge of the industry on a global level, allowing you to anticipate changes and prepare for new developments. This can ensure that you will not be taken unawares by what might otherwise be a sudden shift in technique or technology.


Promotional power

Social media is an effective tool for promoting your practice. Positive word of mouth can be generated by sharing pages or profiles and leaving reviews, whilst likes, comments and views can be useful metrics for analysing the effectiveness of your marketing.[iv] Whilst social media use is encouraged for the engagement of patients, professionals have been reluctant to involve it in their workplace, perhaps due to the clash between the formality of healthcare and the perception of social media as informal entertainment.iv

However, using social media can help anxious patients, with videos or photo posts illuminating how certain treatment processes work.iv These can also showcase your skills, experience and accomplishments to a broader audience, whilst sharing them to online dental groups can be a great way of comparing with other approaches.

Moreover, social media is great for research, with polls and questionnaires able to reflect how patients or fellow dentists feel towards a treatment, for instance.[v] This can ensure that your practice is meeting the preferences of your audience whilst also adapting to the way many consumers receive information, keeping you ahead of the competition.v


Join the club

To expand your networking reach within the dental implant field, become a member of the Association of Dental Implantology (ADI). Over 2,000 dental professionals reap the rewards of an ADI membership, including access to the exclusive ADI Members’ Only Facebook Group. This space is ideal for connecting and collaborating with other dentists, sharing cases you may need a second opinion of. For promotional online work, members have free use of the ADI member logo and a free website listing for both public and member enquiries. These will enhance the trust that patients will have in your work.

Time spent on social media is not wasted if it is used in a way that benefits you and your career. By utilising social media platforms for networking and promotion, you can broaden your audience, enhance your practice and improve career satisfaction – often with just one click.


[i] We Are Social (2024). Digital 2024 United Kingdom report shows strong growth in social media. [online] We Are Social UK. Available at:

[ii] Petrosyan, A. (2024). Internet and social media users in the world 2024 | Statista. [online] Statista. Available at:

[iii] Oral Health Group. (2022). Tips for Successful Networking with Your Dental Colleagues. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Aug. 2024].

[iv] Parmar, N., Dong, L. and Eisingerich, A.B. (2018). Connecting With Your Dentist on Facebook: Patients’ and Dentists’ Attitudes Towards Social Media Usage in Dentistry. Journal of medical Internet research, [online] 20(6), p.e10109. doi:

[v] Alalawi, A., Aljuaid, H. and Natto, Z.S. (2019). The Effect Of Social Media On The Choice Of Dental Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study In The City Of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Patient Preference and Adherence, Volume 13, pp.1685–1692. doi:

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